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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 2165

Jason scooped some soup into her bowl with a gentle voice, "I want you to follow your heart. If you're into someone, be together. If not, split up. There's no need to bend over backward or compromise yourself!"

He looked up, his eyes sharp, "Who says that behind every successful man, there's a woman who must sacrifice everything? What era are we living in? A relationship is about equality and happiness. That's what true love is!"

Sophia's gaze was stunned as she locked eyes with Jason. Suddenly, she let out a snort of laughter, "With all your wisdom, why aren't you in love?"

Jason gazed back at her somberly, his voice low, "Because the one I love doesn't love me back. She loves someone else, and all I can do is watch."

A jolt went through Sophia's heart as if she was pulled into his deep eyes. She scoffed at once, "I've told you before, stop pining over Estelle. You understand everyone else so clearly, but when it comes to yourself, you're just asking for heartache."

Jason bowed his head, murmuring softly, "Yeah, I've always been asking for heartache."

Sophia felt a twinge of pity seeing his gloomy expression. She reached out, patting his shoulder, "Don't be so down. There's definitely new love out there waiting for you!"

Jason tilted his head to look at her hand, feeling a softness in his heart. Just as he was about to speak, she continued, "Like with me and Robin. I thought he didn't like me, and I was close to giving up. But then, out of the blue, he confessed his feelings. Life is full of surprises, you know!"

Jason only felt life was full of letdowns.

He didn't want to discuss it any further and said firmly, "Let's eat up and then take your medicine."

Sophia noticed his sudden loss of cheer, mistakenly thinking it was the mention of Estelle again, and sighed inwardly, feeling sorry for him.

After they finished eating, Jason made sure she took her medicine. He closed the curtains halfway and said softly, "Take a nap. I'll ask them to cook up some sweet soup for you. When you wake up, it'll be ready."

Sophia obediently lay down, waving, "Jason, have a good afternoon!"


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