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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 2290

Mrs. Gilder and Jasmine were sitting off to the side, chatting and watching the couple next to them enjoy the evening's festivities, unable to suppress their smiles.

Sophia's phone was lighting up non-stop with New Year's greetings and even a few messages from Robin, but this time, she couldn't even muster the interest to glance at them.

Suddenly, her ringtone cut through the noise, and Sophia excused herself to answer the call outside.

It was from a close friend studying abroad. As soon as the call connected, her friend's cheerful voice rang out, "Babe, Happy New Year's Eve."

Sophia chuckled, "Did you make it back home?"

"Nope, got tied up with a project. I'll head back after the New Year!" Crystal laughed. "So, you and Robin celebrating the New Year together? Is the wedding soon? Can I make it back in time?"

A shadow crossed Sophia's face, and she looked down. "We broke up."

"What?" Her friend’s voice was incredulous. "You two split up?"

Crystal knew about the years Sophia had spent chasing after Robin.

She had thought that after all the ups and downs, their relationship would be rock solid. It was hard to believe that after so many years of unrequited love, things had ended in less than a year.

"It's true," Sophia sighed deeply.

"What happened?" Crystal pressed.

"It's nothing, just... we realized we weren't compatible," Sophia said softly.

She didn't want to disclose what Robin had done. After all, she had spent her entire youth pining for him and didn't want to tarnish his image in others' eyes.

"Well, as long as you're moving on," Crystal said cheerfully. "Honestly, I always thought you and Mr. Gilder would make a great pair. He's always been so nice to you, and not to mention, quite the looker. If it were me, I'd have made my move a long time ago!"


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