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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 

Coming!Anthea called out, setting her computer to autopilot before she made her way

to the living room

On the couch sat a couple, a man and a woman. It was Tammie and Paulina

Upon seeing Anthea emerge, both of them excitedly stood up. Ms. Yeager!” 

A month had passed and Tammie had fully recovered

But the sickness had taken its toll, leaving him a bit gaunt

The two people he was most grateful for were Anthea and Paulina

Without Anthea’s prescription and Paulina’s relentless care, he would never have made it

So, as soon as he got better, he didn’t even inform his parents. The first thing he did was come over to thank Anthea

Knowing Anthea was tied up during the day, they decided to swing by in the evening

Anthea greeted them with a warm smile

Just then, Tammie and Paulina suddenly bent down before Anthea to express their gratitude

This unexpected act stunned both Anthea and Carole, who was nearby

What are you doing? Please, get up!” 

Neither of the two would budge

With tears in his eyes, Tammie said, Ms. Yeager, you’ve given me a second chance at life. We owe you this gesture of gratitude!” 

During his illness, Tammie never thought he’d recover. He had even prepared his last will

Only those who had been on death’s door could understand the euphoria of a second chance at life

Moreover, Anthea, despite her young age, exuded an elegance that belied her years

She had a grace that washed away any pretense of youth

Though Tammie was much older than Anthea, standing before her, he felt like a junior, with no sense of incongruity

Anthea helped the couple to their feet with a laugh, There’s no need for such formalities! Besides, as a healer, it’s my duty to help!” 

Paulina handed Anthea a card, Ms. Yeager, this is a token of our appreciation. Please accept it!” 


  • accepted the card without any pretensa

The Black family was one of Cloudcrest’s wealthiest families, Refusing their gesture might have led to misunderstandings as if she had ulterior motives

After a short visit, the couple prepared to leave

Anthea and Carole walked them to the gate of the community

Once in the car, Paulina turned to Tammis, Should we go see your folks now? They’d be over the moon to know you’re okay” 

Tammie nodded, They’ve worried about me for years, We should definitely surprise them. Let’s get ready and call them tomorrow morning.” 

Sounds good!agreed Paulina. I’ll follow your lead.” 

The next morning, Paulina made a call back home


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