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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 142

At such a tender age, it was hard to believe Anthea could even grasp the complexities of a contract, let alone spot a loophole.

Bart sparkled his eyes with smug satisfaction.

It was a flawless plan. He would not only secure a substantial sum, but the company would continue to bear his name. It was a win-win situation.

Anthea skimmed the contract with a practiced eye, her expression unreadable. After a moment, she laid the document back on the desk.

"All set, Ms. Yeager?" Bart asked, barely containing his glee.

She gave a slight nod.

Seeing no sign of suspicion on her face, Bart produced a pen with a flourish. "Then let's make it official with your signature. Oh, to avoid any future disputes, we'll need your fingerprint in a few places."

As a kid, she was. She missed the huge hole in the contract - she was so easy to dupe.

Bart believed he had been clever enough to plan for every eventuality.

Anthea took the pen and began to sign.

Bart glittered his eyes with triumph as the clouds of worry that had plagued him for days evaporated in an instant.

But just then, Anthea stopped writing.

"Something wrong, Ms. Yeager? Pen out of ink?" Bart asked, feigning concern.

A frosty smile touched Anthea. "Do you take me for a child, Bart?"

Bart faltered. Had Anthea caught on? Or was this just a bluff?

"Ms. Yeager, you must be mistaken. I don't follow," Bart said, feigning ignorance.

A child couldn't understand the contract, could they?

Anthea flipped through the pages and pointed to a section. "This mentions a stake in the company. Care to explain? And here... Presenting such a flawed contract, are you underestimating me?"


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