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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 146

"Your boasting is so adorable, I love it!"

"ThorHammerStriker just sent two luxury gifts!"

"I'd love to kidnap that high-roller from the comments."

"I'd rather take the streamer home."

"Count me in!"

With a playful roll of her eyes, Ann chuckled, "Holy smokes! Are you guys running a kidnapping ring or something?"

The chat erupted with laughter.

"Ann, you're a freaking genius!"

Anthea was affectionately called Ann by her fans.

Sherman had been on a losing streak for several games in a row.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." he said.

Daniel entered the room, saying, "Sherman, there's a document here that needs your signature."

After signing the document, Sherman pointed to the computer screen and asked, "What do you think of this person's chess skills?"

Daniel glanced at the screen. "Damn, Sherman, you lost? This person must be incredible. Huh, Griffin·YC? Isn't that similar to the master’s handle? Could it be Anthea?"

Sherman was known for his exceptional chess skills and Daniel had never seen him lose before.

This was a first.

Sherman squinted, "This person can't be Anthea."

Daniel continued, "Actually, Ms. Morris is pretty good at chess too. You should have a match with her sometime."

Daniel didn't understand why Anthea and Sherman were so misinformed about Rebecca, who was genuinely kind-hearted. Was it possible that the more talented people were, the blinder they became?

At the Morris Manor.

Another week had passed without Rebecca getting in touch with Luna.

Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Rebecca prepared to pay a visit to the Black family.


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