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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 154

"I am." replied Anthea.

Dahlia continued, "We're calling to inform you that in two months, RealTimeFlow will be celebrating its third anniversary with a gala event. We would be honored if you could join us."

Lately, Anthea's star had been rising at an astonishing rate. Plus, with a big scandal breaking out, it was clear as day that there's no such thing as bad publicity. The platform wanted to milk this for all it was worth!

On the other hand, they were also trying to figure out if Anthea was the next Snow White of the streaming world.

Anthea wasn't keen on attending such soirees, so she replied with a polite, "Thanks, I'll think about it."

A soft chuckle came from Dahlia before she added, "The electronic invite has been sent to your email. Please check it when you get a chance, and we'd love to see you at the party."

"Sure thing."

On the flip side...

Dahlia had just hung up when Rebecca blurted out, "So, is she coming or what?"

Shaking her head, Dahlia looked at Rebecca's face on the screen and said, "Doesn't look like it. Seems she's too chicken to show up."

Dahlia, the director at RealTimeFlow, also happened to be good friends with Rebecca. When Dahlia was on a business trip in Cloudcrest and got mugged, stabbed by a thug, it was Rebecca who happened to pass by and call the cops just in time. If it weren't for her, Dahlia might have been a goner. That was the reason why Rebecca managed to sign with RealTimeFlow so easily.

Hearing the news, Rebecca's laugh was a mix of mischief and triumph, "Knew it. She wouldn't dare show up."

She sneered, then quickly switched gears, "Dahlia, I heard Mr. Robinson is coming to the event, right?"

Daniel Robinson was the big boss at RealTimeFlow, and if he was coming, it meant Mr. Christensen would too.

Dahlia nodded, "Yep, it's the third anniversary, so not only the big boss but all the shareholders will be there. We'll be live-streaming it across the platform."

Then Dahlia turned the tables, "How about you, Rebecca? You're gonna grace us with your presence, right? It is your first year with RealTimeFlow, after all."


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