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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 156

One game was all it took to expose the truth, whether she had cheated or not.

Anthea never was one for beating around the bush or playing it safe. If Rebecca wanted to stir up trouble, she was ready to give her a run for her money.

After recording her video, Anthea didn't bother with editing. She hit send and released it into the wild.

Sarah watched on, practically starry-eyed.

The way Anthea had just handled that video was nothing short of stunning. Absolutely brilliant!

If Anthea were a guy, Sarah was sure she'd fall head over heels for her!

"Ann! I'm itching to see you wipe the floor with them! It's a shame I can't be there in person," Sarah lamented. The RealTimeFlow anniversary bash was set to be live-streamed, and it was bound to be a spectacle.

Anthea gave Sarah's shoulder a reassuring pat. "Don't worry, Sarah. I heard there's going to be a live broadcast of the whole shindig. You won't miss a thing."

RealTimeFlow, being the giant that it is, would surely fan the flames for more attention.

The showdown was going to be epic.

"Really?" Sarah's face lit up.

Anthea nodded.

"That's awesome!" Sarah continued, "Hey Ann, when's the big night?"

"It's like two months from now. I need to check the invite for the exact date."

"I'll look it up," Sarah said, whipping out her phone. A moment later, she burst out, "Holy smokes, Ann! Your video statement just hit a hundred thousand likes!"

That was insane!

Considering it had been less than ten minutes since Anthea had posted her statement.

Sarah scrolled through the comments, "Ann, your fans are so supportive!"

[Ahh, Ann you're so cool! Love you!]

[We've got your back, Ann.]

[We believe in you, Ann.]

[I knew my favorite streamer wasn't some delicate flower like they say.]


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