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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 171

"Yes," Sherman said in a tone that was more matter-of-fact than enthusiastic.

Karen rolled her eyes at him. "Can't you say more?"

"It’s adorable."

Karen let out an exasperated sigh. "Are you some kind of emotionless robot?"

Sherman just stood there, silent.

Karen persisted, "I'm going to ask you again, is this scarf adorable or what?"

"I find it extremely adorable," Sherman replied, enunciating each word carefully.

Karen beamed with pride. "Well, of course, it is! I picked it out myself! How could it not be? Here, let me put it on you. You’ll look cuter in this!"

She reached to tie the scarf around Sherman's neck, just as he stood up to grab some papers.

Karen was much shorter than Sherman.

And with no suitable stool for her to stand on, she had no choice but to command, "You lanky rascal, get down here!"

As Sherman complied, bending slightly, she couldn't help but add, "What good is being so tall if you can't even snag yourself a wife?"

Facing Karen, who was as feisty as a child, Sherman couldn't help but go along with her antics. Karen tied the scarf around his neck, surveyed her handiwork, and then shook her head in mock disgust. "Not that good! But they say the maternal genes are strong, so it doesn't matter if you're a bit on the ugly side. Your future wife is stunning, so my great-grandchildren are bound to be super cute!"

Sherman just stood there, not saying a word.

Karen couldn't resist teasing him further, "You really don't want to know where I went today?"

Sherman shook his head. "Not really."


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