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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 180

Griffin YC probably wouldn't dare show up at the party. With an ugly face and a reputation for cheating, she'd be the laughing stock of the evening.

The statement she released was likely just a smoke screen, a temporary fix to buy some time.

But whether she showed up or not was of no consequence to Daniel.

His ultimate goal was to show Sherman a side of Rebecca he'd never seen before.

To make Sherman realize that Rebecca was truly his perfect match!

Whether it was discussing the virtues of a plant-based diet or a strategic move in chess, Rebecca and Sherman had plenty in common.

In fact, on the chessboard, Sherman might not even hold a candle to Rebecca. After all, she was a grandmaster, a champion with national titles under her belt!

So, the real competition for Sherman wasn't that cheater Griffin, but Rebecca.

Imagining Sherman's upcoming reality check, a smug smile played on Daniel's lips. The moment of truth was going to be spectacular!

He could hardly wait to witness the scene.

"What's that smirk for?" Sherman turned his piercing gaze on Daniel, an air of authority in his eyes.

Daniel quickly wiped the grin off his face. "Sherman, you're about to meet Griffin. Isn't that a reason to be cheerful? And don't worry, everything's arranged in Capital City. We'll head over a day early, leave Wednesday morning."

Sherman nodded slightly and immediately dialed his secretary to rearrange his schedule.

Meanwhile, the countdown to the RealTimeFlow gala had Sarah buzzing with excitement. She'd spent the last few days selecting the perfect dress for the occasion.

After making her choice, Sarah went over to the Yeager estate to consult with Anthea.

"Ann, what do you think about these two dresses I've picked out?" she asked.

Anthea responded with a smile, "Sarah, I've already prepared your outfit for the gala. Here it is, try it on to see if it fits." With that, Anthea handed Sarah a champagne-colored dress.

Sarah took the dress, her surprise evident. "Ann, how did you know champagne is my favorite color?"

"Most of your clothes are champagne, so it was a safe bet you'd like it. Go on, try it."


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