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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 194

Hearing those words, Sarah's anxiety melted away. She mustered the courage to approach Aiken for an autograph.

Just like Anthea had said, stars are just regular folks. Aiken was incredibly approachable, not only signing an autograph but also taking a selfie with Sarah.

And of course, Sarah couldn't resist showing off the moment on her social media.

Three hours later, the gala came to a close.

Anthea and Sarah stepped into the crisp night air, the chill barely touching them thanks to their temperature-regulated gowns. A single coat draped over their shoulders was all they needed to keep the cold at bay.

"Excuse me, are you Miss YC?" A pleasant male voice called from behind.

Anthea turned slightly, "And you are?"

The man stood about six feet tall, quite a looker with a face that could make a crowd of girls scream.

"I'm Henry, a fellow streamer at RealTimeFlow! You were amazing on stage. Could we exchange contacts, get to know each other a bit?" He finished, visibly nervous as he awaited Anthea's response.

Seeing someone else initiate the conversation was new for him, all because Anthea was simply stunning.

Even though Anthea was the one being approached, it was Sarah who was visibly excited. Henry was a superstar influencer!

There they stood by the roadside, one dashingly handsome, the other as picturesque as a painting, impossible to overlook.

Sherman, just settling into the backseat of his car, caught sight of the pair and his hand, twisting a pen, paused mid-air. He instructed the driver, "Pull over there, please."

The driver glanced ahead. Wasn't that the young lady from yesterday?

Judging by Mr. Christensen's expression, could it be jealousy?

Unbelievable, the perennial bachelor Mr. Christensen showing such a side.

The driver stifled a chuckle under the guise of scratching an itch.

After exchanging contacts with Henry, a subdued Maybach pulled up in front of Anthea. The window rolled down to reveal a face far too stern for the hour, "Ms. Yeager, it's quite late. May I offer you a ride?"


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