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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 206

"Grandma, I'm gonna head back to my room if there's nothing else," Gerard said before turning on his heel and leaving.

Janet watched Gerard's retreating back, her face turning as white as a sheet with anger.

Edna walked in from the garden, attempting to soothe Janet. "Janet, Gerry's still wet behind the ears. There's a lot he needs to learn, and he'll get it eventually. Please, don't be mad."

Janet let out a heavy sigh. "He's getting a bit too out of hand, hanging out with a bad crowd. It's only a matter of time before they lead him astray. Darleen, on the other hand, has been a blessing from the start – never caused you a lick of trouble."

Edna smiled wistfully. "Darleen may seem sensible, but she's got her moments, too. And you know, girls, they just mature faster than boys."

The mention of Darleen softened Janet's features. "Isn't her birthday coming up? She's my only granddaughter, and I've got to pick out something special for her."

Janet had always treated Darleen as her own flesh and blood, speaking of her with an affection that brooked no disputes.

"She doesn’t need anything fancy. Janet, you shouldn’t spoil her!"

Janet scolded her gently, "I'm not spoiling her! It's for my granddaughter!"

"You shouldn't talk like that," Edna continued, a hint of sadness in her voice. "I know Jonah's heart still aches for Carole. I never deluded myself into thinking I could take her place. As long as I know Jonah's happy, that's enough for me."

Janet's eyes filled with sympathy as she looked at Edna.

So many years had passed, and yet Edna remained as kind-hearted as ever.

Eighteen years ago, had she fought just a little harder, Carole might not have had the chance she did. It was a bitter reminder that being too kind-hearted was not always a blessing.

Janet patted Edna's hand. "Nonsense! You're the only daughter-in-law I see, and as long as I'm breathing, Jonah won't be bringing any other woman into our family!"

Edna had already given eighteen years of her life waiting for Jonah. Janet wouldn't let her wait another eighteen in vain.

With another sigh, Janet changed the subject. "Edna, why waste your days by my side? Go keep Jonah company. I had someone make him a healing broth; take it to him."

If Edna focused all her attention on Jonah, maybe she would have married him by now.


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