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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 212

Rebecca’s words were like a flash of lightning, illuminating a path through Daly's thoughts.

Yes, of course! After all, she used to be known as Rebecca Yeager.

So, the big shot from Capital City had to be coming to show his gratitude to Rebecca!

The thought of his family rubbing shoulders with such an influential figure sent a rush of excitement through Daly's veins. He turned to Rebecca with a gleam in his eye, "Rebecca, can you let me in on who this big shot is??"

Up until now, all he knew was that someone important from Capital City was looking for Rebecca, someone with a lot of clout, but no name had been mentioned.

"Dad, have you ever heard of the Wright family from Capital City?" Rebecca asked.

"The Wright family?" Daly narrowed his eyes in thought, "You mean the Wright family behind LP Tech?"

Rebecca shook her head.

Daly frowned, "Not LP?"

In Capital City, there were two Wright families that were a big deal. One kicked off LP Tech and the other was top-tier among the city's elite!

Any other families bearing the name Wright paled in comparison.

If it wasn't the head of LP Tech, then surely, Rebecca hadn't saved someone from the most prestigious Wright family?

At that thought, Daly's face became a mask of awe and fear.

Rebecca, seeing the realization dawn on her father, smiled gently, "Dad, you guessed it. It's that Wright family!"

Daly swallowed hard, his voice barely a whisper, "You mean the top dog among the elite?"

"Exactly," Rebecca nodded, "I saved Kendrick. Kendrick Wright!"

Daly felt as if his world had just turned upside down.

Kendrick Wright! A man of legend, spoken about in hushed, reverent tones!

In Capital City, his influence was only outshone by Mr. Christensen himself.


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