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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 216

If Rebecca went chasing after Kendrick, wouldn't she look desperate?

Besides, when they were in Capital City, Kendrick had the nerve to kick her out of the Wright family.

This time around, she was determined to make Kendrick apologize to her face! She wanted him to know how it felt to slap himself silly. After all, she was the descendant of the legendary healer, comparable to Hippocrates!

Was she someone to be trifled with?

It was December 20th. Following the traditions of Cloudcrest, everyone was getting ready for Christmas.

The Yeager family lived on the ground floor, so Carole set up the table in the front garden, laying out the feast.

“Mrs. Yeager.” A voice, hauntingly familiar.

Carole looked up and locked eyes with Rebecca, her daughter she had nurtured and cared for the last eighteen years.

“Rebecca, what brings you here?” Carole murmured, incredulous.

It had been almost half a year since Rebecca had returned to the Morris family.

This was her first visit back.

Instinctively, Carole felt that Rebecca's visit wasn't out of goodwill.

The girl had always been peculiar, distant.

Even though they were once mother and daughter, their connection had become as flimsy as a house of cards.

Rebecca smiled and said, “Mrs. Yeager, let me introduce you, this is my mother.”

Sandra offered a stiff smile, nodding at Carole.

Carole then said, “Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable.”

Their three-room apartment wasn't spacious.

Rebecca surveyed the modest surroundings with disdain.

Logically, with Anthea's current status on RealTimeFlow, she should be doing well financially.

How could they end up in such a shabby place?

Could it be that Nanson, the no-hoper and gambler, had squandered all their money?


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