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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 223

Bryce grudgingly bit the bullet, his wounded pride forcing him to swallow the pain.

The humiliation was already unbearable, and the thought of people finding out that he, a grown man, had been taken down by a slip of a girl was too much to stomach. Where could he possibly hide his face?

Gritting his teeth against the agony, Bryce picked himself up and hastily retreated from the party.

From the corner of the room, Anthea watched his retreating back, her voice tinged with a hint of mockery, "Careful, Mr. Harper. We wouldn't want you to take another spill!"

Alex, having witnessed the entire debacle from the sidelines, narrowed his eyes, which glinted with a dark intensity. After a moment, he approached Anthea, "Ms. Yeager."

"You’re looking for me, Mr. Peterson?"

He gave a slight nod, "Yes."

"What's the matter?"

"Kendrick is asking for you."

Anthea's eyebrows knit together slightly, "You sure you've got the right person this time?"

"I was mistaken earlier," Alex said smoothly, his tone gentle, "I hope you won't take it to heart, Ms. Yeager."

She pressed on, "The Kendrick you mentioned, is he the one from Capital City?"

"Yes." His response was succinct as he gestured for her to follow, "This way, Ms. Yeager."

Anthea stepped forward to keep pace.

As they walked side by side, Alex led the way.

Exiting the main hall, they needed to traverse an open-air path to reach the back of the venue. It was the dead of winter, and although Cloudcrest never saw snow, the chill was penetrating.

Alex instructed a servant to bring a down jacket for Anthea.

"Thanks, Mr. Peterson," Anthea replied, "but my dress has temperature control built into it. I won't be needing that jacket."

"From AY Tech Co., Ltd?" Alex seemed to recall something.

She nodded slightly, "You're familiar with AY?"

"I've heard a few things."

AY Tech Co., Ltd was a rising star in the industry. Though new, their strength was undeniable. They first secured a global patent for temperature-adjustable clothing and then made a powerful entry into the market.


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