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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 239

Knowing how unpredictable his boss could be, the assistant always carried pen and paper. At a moment’s notice, she handed them to Alex.

Despite trembling hands, Alex plopped down on the floor and began to sketch.

In Capital City, Edna and her daughter Darleen had spent a night at a hotel.

Early the next morning, they brought a jar of wildflower honey—a gift from Jessica—to pay a Christmas' visit to the Lindsays and to greet Janet.

Seeing Edna and Darleen instantly made Janet forget any annoyance she might have felt.

Edna handed the honey to the housekeeper. “Janet, my mother sent this for you—wildflower honey, excellent for the health of the more... seasoned folks among us. Remember to stir a spoonful into your tea,” she said with a smile.

Janet chuckled warmly. “Your mom’s too kind. To think she’d part with such a treasure and bring it to me!”

Darleen chimed in, her laughter light and carefree. “Oh, Janet, you mustn’t feel like an outsider. Grandma always says, ‘We’re all family here.’ No need to split hairs over what’s yours or mine.”

That struck a chord with Janet. As far as she was concerned, Edna and Darleen were already part of the family.

Janet, beaming, took Darleen’s hand. “Exactly, Darleen, exactly! We are family, and family shouldn't keep score. Since we’re family, you shouldn’t call me Janet anymore!”

Darleen feigned confusion. “Oh? What should I call you then?”

Janet playfully tapped Darleen’s nose. “You’re so sharp when it comes to school, always at the top of your class. How can you be so clueless now? You should call me ‘Grandma,’ silly!”

“Grandma,” Darleen cooed sweetly.

Delighted, Janet pulled out a thick envelope. “Here’s a little gift for the Christmas.”

“Thank you, Grandma,” Darleen said, accepting it gracefully before adding with feigned concern, “But won’t Gerry be upset if I call you that? I feel like he doesn’t quite like me.”

Janet’s face hardened as she remembered the previous night's events. “He’d better not be!”

“Please don’t be mad, Grandma,” Darleen said, hugging Janet’s arm. “I was just saying. Actually, Gerry’s really obedient. Mom always praises him and tells me I could learn a thing or two from him!”


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