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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 246

Anthea had initially thought that they came here to make a scene.

But no, they were here for the big bucks.

They nonchalantly demanded fifty million dollars.

They had the audacity to expect it as a matter of course.

To say they were shameless would be an insult to the word itself.

"Fifty million? That's chump change for us. We've got a hundred million," Anthea replied with casual indifference.

Vanessa's jaw dropped at Anthea's words.

"Are you for real?"

It wasn't just Vanessa who was stunned; Felton, Gemma, and Saul by her side were flabbergasted as well.

A hundred million! What did that even mean?

It meant their family was about to join the ranks of the billionaires.

Anthea gave a slight nod, "Of course it's real. How else do you think we had the money to buy the storefront? And we're not stopping at that; we're gearing up to buy a mansion!"

This wasn't an empty boast.

That hundred million didn't even include the restaurant's earnings. It was all thanks to Anthea's gigs on tech websites, her streaming revenue, and the sales of her climate-controlled clothing line.

As for the restaurant's profits, Carole had been banking them all along since she was the one running the show.

Vanessa's heart soured with jealousy upon hearing that Carole had a hundred million stashed away.

However, the thought that all that money would soon be hers eased her envy considerably. She followed up with, "You two are doing just fine here, aren't you? Why move into a mansion! Head straight to the bank and transfer that hundred million into our account! Such a hefty sum should be under our safekeeping. You, a widow and orphan, might fall prey to swindlers, you know?"

The mansion should be theirs to purchase!

Anthea and Carole had no right to live in such luxury.

Vanessa had initially come to demand fifty million from Carole. But to her utter surprise, Carole had a hundred million!

What a windfall!

With a hundred million, she could buy several mansions, not just for herself but also for her siblings back home!


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