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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 261

The butler glanced back at Gerard, "Gerard, are you really clueless?"

"I haven't got a clue," Gerard said, shaking his head in bewilderment, seemingly oblivious to everything.

The Lindsay family had their own personal jet. Once they were at the airport, the jet took off directly for Capital City.

Throughout the flight, Gerard showed no particular emotion, his attention glued to his laptop.

Landing back in Capital City, it was past one in the morning.

The Lindsay estate was ablaze with lights.

Just as Gerard stepped into the foyer, a glass came hurtling through the air.

"Crash." The glass shattered on the floor right before him.

Narrowing his eyes, Gerard continued to walk inside.

There sat Janet, fuming on the sofa, her face a thundercloud.

"What's got into Grandma?" Gerard approached with a smile and sat beside Janet, "Who's gone and ruffled the feathers of our matriarch?"

"Spill it." Janet demanded, her face stern, "Where have you been?"

"I was over at Cloudcrest," Gerard didn't hide it.

"And what business do you have in Cloudcrest?" Janet's anger was palpable, "Do you even care about me, your grandmother?"

His independence was growing.

Now he dared to sneak off to Cloudcrest without her knowledge.

Was his next move to bring that wench Carole home?

Gerard was taken aback, frowning, "Grandma, what are you talking about? I just went to Cloudcrest for a bit of fun with some classmates. How does that translate to not caring about you? Am I not allowed to visit Cloudcrest?"

"Weren't you supposed to go to Saltwater Metropolis?" Janet kept her gaze fixed on Gerard.

Gerard explained, "Originally, we were headed to Saltwater Metropolis, but my classmate claimed that Cloudcrest's Solstice Mountain was the peak of natural beauty, and he had relatives there, so we changed plans. Grandma, we went to Solstice Mountain yesterday afternoon, it was breathtaking. We even took photos, want to see how pretty it is?"

With that, Gerard pulled out his phone and showed her a photo.

The background was Cloudcrest's famous Solstice Mountain.

Janet's furrowed brow softened slightly at the sight.

Could it be that the boy really just went to Cloudcrest for a holiday?

Had she misunderstood?

It made sense, after all, nobody had ever breathed a word to Gerard about Carole.


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