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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 277

“Lizzie, don't be naive! At a time like this, you can't shelter your dad anymore. Do you want to ruin your mom’s life?” Tanya stood up and exclaimed, “Your mom needs to dump your dad now! A guy like that deserves to be kicked to the curb!”

Tanya was beside herself with anger.

Maybe because she wasn't directly involved, she couldn't fully empathize with Lizzie's plight.

But one thing was for sure. If Tanya were in Lizzie's shoes, she wouldn't keep it from Gina.

"Tanya's right. Once a cheater, always a cheater! Your mom can only find true happiness if she divorces your dad," Anthea interrupted. “Don't sweat about your mom being on her own. Women in this world can be happy without men!”

“Really?” Lizzie sniffled, trying to hold back tears.

Anthea nodded and continued, "Lizzie, what do you think of my mom?"

“She’s wonderful!” In Lizzie’s eyes, Carole was a beautiful and gracious woman.

“You do know she’s a single mom, right?” Anthea pressed on.

Lizzie blinked, took a moment, then nodded.

If Anthea hadn’t mentioned it, Lizzie would’ve forgotten because Carole never carried the aura of a single mom’s struggles.

Anthea patted Lizzie on the shoulder. “Listen, your mom is even stronger than mine. Once she leaves your dad, I bet she’ll have a better life!”

“Divorce him. Divorce him now! The sight of that scumbag turns my stomach!” Tanya said, seething.

Anthea added, “Your mom should hear it from you now than to find out on her own. Let me ask you. Would you rather stand by a cheating father or save a loving mother?”

“I choose my mom!” Lizzie replied without hesitation.

Anthea nodded approvingly. “Good. According to Luxphinia law, marital infidelity leads to leaving with nothing. If we can get enough evidence to prove your dad’s infidelity, we can ensure he leaves empty-handed. From now on, Lizzie, you must learn to protect your mom and never let her down!”

Hearing this, Lizzie felt a wave of clarity wash over her.

Anthea was right!

What's a dad who cheats worth next to a mom who loves you?

Malcolm had already disappointed Gina!

As a daughter, she couldn’t let her mother down again!

She needed to be strong and face this problem with her mother.


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