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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 282

Lizzie turned and left.

The gathered employees erupted in whispers. "Manager, Cindy doesn't deserve a spot in our company!"

"Yeah, she's got to go!"

"Fire her already!"

The manager turned his gaze to Cindy and said, "Head to payroll and settle up for the month. Don't bother coming in next month."

Cindy felt her world crumble. She had dedicated nearly two decades to her job, always diligent, never a mistake. Retirement was just around the corner, with a pension and benefits in sight, and now the company was showing her the door!

"No, you can't fire me!" she pleaded.

Those who got the axe never saw a pension or benefits. And at her age, what was she going to do? Where could she find work? It'd be nothing but back-breaking jobs that couldn't hold a candle to her current position.

"We can't have someone who's morally bankrupt working here," the manager stated firmly before turning to a security guard. "Please escort her out."

It was less of an escort and more of a drag.

Once outside, Cindy was a mix of anger and frustration. She snatched up her phone and called Malcolm.

Malcolm rushed over, his heart breaking at the sight of her. "Sweetheart, don't you worry. I'll give that girl a piece of my mind when I get back!"

"Now I've lost my job, my dignity... Malcolm, I might as well be dead. I can't go on!"

"Lost a job? So what! From now on, I'll give you three grand a month. I'll take care of you!"

A glimmer of hope sparked in Cindy's eyes.

That's right. Who cared about a job when Malcolm was rolling in dough?

But Cindy kept sobbing, knowing the more pitiful she appeared, the more Malcolm would resent his daughter and ex-wife.

Surely, Malcolm would demand justice for her.

Back at home, Malcolm was fuming. "Lizzie has really crossed the line this time!" pointing an accusatory finger at Gina. "How on earth did you raise her?"


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