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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 284

Lizzie's words hung in the air before she continued with determination, "He's got to leave with nothing to his name! Also, we can't keep the grocery store running anymore. Let's sell it off and liquidate the assets!"

This was something Anthea had specifically advised Lizzie to do.

As soon as Gina agreed to the divorce, it was imperative to sell off the family-owned grocery store. If the store remained, Malcolm would undoubtedly keep pestering Gina.

In the business world, such entanglements were the last thing anyone needed.

Gina blinked, not quite grasping Lizzie's point.

Lizzie took the time to clarify, revealing the strategy behind the move, to which Gina nodded in agreement, "Lizzie, your friend is right!"

Worried Gina might spiral into anxious thoughts, Lizzie reassured her, "Mom, don't worry. Even if the divorce goes through, with your skills, we'll live a great life! My friend, she doesn't have a dad, and her mom looks so young and vibrant! So, Mom, no sad faces, no regrets. This is a good thing for us!"

Seeing her daughter's strength, Gina knew she had to be just as resilient.

"Okay," Gina agreed with a nod.

Lizzie then recalled Anthea's advice, "Mom, to ensure he leaves with nothing, we'll have to play it cool for a bit longer, at least until we've successfully sold the store."

'The he' in question was, of course, Malcolm.

Gina understood the subtext of Lizzie's words, "Don't you worry, Lizzie. We don’t need to endure anything. If I decide today, the store could be sold by tomorrow."

Gina had been in business for years and knew plenty of entrepreneurs who would be interested in taking over the store.

"Really?" Lizzie's eyes sparkled with hope.

Gina nodded again.

"Mom, let's head to the hospital now."

With the security footage from their home, the medical report on her injuries, and evidence of Malcolm's infidelity in hand, filing for divorce would be much smoother.

They arrived at the hospital.

Gina's head wound seemed minor but required several stitches.

Lizzie felt a surge of regret for not having used a beer bottle on Malcolm's head in retaliation.

Holding Lizzie's hand, Gina comforted her, "Lizzie, Mom's okay. Don't worry."


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