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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 296

"Admit it, you were ogling! And yet you stubbornly say you don't like her?" Karen fumed, "You're such a bonehead! You're not fit to be my grandson! You're nothing!"

"Grandma, you've really got the wrong idea."

Appreciation is appreciation.

Liking is liking.

They seem similar, yet they're vastly different.

Sherman, who was always a model of restraint, had to admit to himself that he never harbored any other thoughts towards Anthea.

Except for those few indescribable dreams.

But dreams are just dreams, subconscious and beyond control.

Karen dragged Sherman to the living room doorway, pointing at the plump cat nestled in Anthea's arms, "Look at you, you're not even as good as Chubby!"

Sherman: "..."

Cats are family.

Anthea's family.

But he's not.

Karen continued, "Are you upset about that?"


Karen rolled her eyes at him, "Well, being upset won't change a thing. If you were really something special, you'd be the one in Ann's arms, not Chubby! Even a cat knows how to sweet-talk the one it likes! I'm out of adjectives to describe you! You're nothing!"

After her lecture to Sherman, Karen returned to the parlor to continue chatting with Anthea.

Her granddaughter-in-law was golden!

Not like that wretched boy!

Reeking of irritation from head to toe.

Just then, footsteps approached from outside.

"Madam, Mrs. Bowman, young Master Riley has arrived."

As the words faded, a young man in a grey hoodie entered.

Adah immediately stood up, "Riley's here."

The visitor was none other than Adah's nephew from her side of the family, Riley Bowman.


Then Riley greeted Karen, "How do you do, ma'am?"

"Fine! All fine!" Karen beamed, "Have a seat."

With that, she took Anthea's hand and introduced her to Riley, "Riley, this is Ann. Don't be fooled by her youth; she's got skills. She's the one who cured my migraines!"


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