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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 298

As Riley scrambled to his feet, dusting off the dirt from his jeans, he quickly caught up with Sherman's stride. The two were greeted by a warm smile from Adah as they approached the dining area.

"Finished your little competition, have you?" Adah chuckled. "Dinner's about ready. I was about to send someone to fetch you boys. Who won, by the way?"

"Sherman's too good!" Riley exclaimed, brushing a hand through his hair. "I mean, with these skinny arms and legs of mine, how could I ever match up to him?"

Sherman clapped Riley on the back with a hearty laugh. "Riley's just a greenhorn! Give him a few decades to practice, and maybe, just maybe, he'll have a shot at beating me."

Riley's mouth twitched into a grimace. "Decades?"

The dinner table was a lively scene, with Karen strategically seating Riley next to Anthea. Five people gathered around the table, with Sherman sitting directly across from Riley.

"So, Riley," Karen began with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "you're what, 21 this year?"

"Yeah, that's right," Riley replied with a nod.

"Got yourself a girlfriend back at college?" Karen prodded.

Riley shook his head. "Haven't found the right one yet."

"Well, I might just know a lovely young lady for you..." Karen's matchmaking was cut off as Sherman stood up and served her a piece of fish with the serving fork. "Grandma, this is your favorite, isn't it? Please, have a taste."

Karen glanced at Sherman with a knowing look.

Cheeky boy!

They were having a silent battle of wits.


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