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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 312

The maid spoke up, "Miss Ellie said she went back to her room to read."

Edna frowned, "I'm here, that's enough. You can leave now! Oh, and call Darleen for me, will you?"

The maid nodded and then left the kitchen.

Soon, Darleen arrived, clearly annoyed, "Mom, what do you want? The SATs are coming up, and I need to study..."


Before Darleen could finish her sentence, Edna had slapped her hard across the face.

It all happened so fast.

Darleen was stunned.

Her cheek stung fiercely as she looked at Edna in disbelief, "Mom! Why did you hit me? What did I do wrong?"

Edna's expression was stormy, "Who gave you permission to leave? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on the stew?"

"I only stepped away for a moment!" Darleen felt wronged, "Is that really necessary? I'm your own daughter! You hit me over some stew? What's the use of being so good to that old lady? She still hasn't accepted you into the family!"

Darleen was gearing up for her SATs.

Determined to make Edna proud, Darleen was aiming for a spot at Harvard University.

Even if she couldn't be the national topper, she had to be among the top three in the city!

With the SATs not far off, she couldn't afford to slack.

Edna could disappear to the bathroom for what seemed like ages, and Darleen, anxious not to waste precious study time, had asked one of the servants to watch the stove instead. She hadn't expected Edna to react so violently.


Edna raised her hand again, delivering another slap!

"Mom!" Darleen cried, looking up at Edna, her voice loud with indignation, "Just because you couldn't marry into the Lindsay family, you're taking it out on me? I'm your daughter! I'm not your punching bag!"

Edna, trembling with anger, pointed to the door, "Go to your room and think about what you've done!"

Darleen covered her face with her hands, crying as she left the kitchen.

Edna watched Darleen's retreating figure.

She sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness.

Darleen was a good kid, really.

Just too naïve and impulsive sometimes.


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