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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 332

"Of course it can be fixed. Why else would I bother taking it apart?" Anthea's voice was light as she continued her work.

She glanced down, her fair fingers tracing the cold, hard components, creating a picturesque scene.

Nanson suddenly realized that when his niece, Anthea, was focused, she was quite impressive.

Of course, she'd be even more impressive if she weren't always exaggerating!

"What's for lunch, Anthea?" Nanson asked.

Anthea pondered for a moment, "Let's order in. I'm craving cold noodles."

"Alright, cold noodles it is! I'll place the order. After lunch, we can take a break before heading back to the office."


Nanson went to the living room, placed the order, and then browsed online for a new robot vacuum.

Although Anthea claimed she could reassemble the robot, Nanson had his doubts she could turn that pile of junk back into a functioning vacuum!

To prevent the new purchase from meeting the same fate at Anthea's hands, Nanson decided to opt for a higher quality model, one less susceptible to enthusiastic disassembly.

Just as he settled on a choice, a knock came at the door.

Nanson walked over to open it.

The delivery guy greeted him.

"Hello, is this Mr. Nanson's place?"

"That's me." Nanson nodded.

The delivery guy handed over the food, "Here's your order."

"Thanks." Nanson took the food, closed the door, and laid everything out on the dining table.

Two servings of cold noodles, a portion of fried chicken, and some fried peanuts.

"Anthea, lunch is ready."


Anthea replied but didn't appear until ten minutes later, strolling out from her room at a leisurely pace.

"Do you want orange juice or soda, Anthea?"

Nanson looked up and froze, stammering, "Wha-what is that?"

Behind Anthea followed a strange cylindrical object about half a meter tall, not particularly pleasing to the eye, with a blue light on top and emitting soft beeping sounds.

"I'm not a 'what.' I'm Little White, the cleaning robot! Pleased to serve you!" the cylindrical object spoke in a mechanical voice.


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