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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 336

Helena had been worried sick about whether Anthea could even speak English. But boy, was she in for a surprise. Not only did Anthea speak English like a native, her expertise in her field was nothing short of jaw-dropping. The grace! The eloquence! She seemed anything but a child! Helena was utterly floored. She had been skeptical about Anthea at first. Now, she felt like dropping to her knees in awe!

"You know, QuickSend Parcels is just a little-known small fry compared to giants like SwiftSend and FlashPost. They're leagues ahead of you in size!" Mr. Lambotte suddenly challenged, "What makes you think I should choose your company?"

Anthea smiled gently and replied in a calm, unhurried manner, "Because, Mr. Lambotte, I believe you're not someone who judges a book by its cover. If you truly felt that SwiftSend and FlashPost were worth partnering with, we wouldn't be having this meeting today."

She continued, "Besides, every big company started small, just like yours did. At one point, you had only six employees, and look at you now, twelve years later, a major player in the industry. This proves that size doesn't necessarily equate to strength. You value strength, and I'm sure you'll give this opportunity to those who are prepared for it."

Anthea's words hit right home. Mr. Lambotte hadn't expected such a compelling argument from a young lady from the East.

"Excuse me, and I know it might be a bit rude to ask, but what's your name?" Mr. Lambotte initially hadn't taken Anthea seriously due to her young appearance, thus overlooking her name.

"I'm Anthea."

Mr. Lambotte stood up, walked over to Anthea, and extended his hand, "Ms. Yeager, it's a pleasure," he said, surprisingly in fluent Mandarin.

Nanson and Helena were stunned, their eyes wide with disbelief.

Anthea shook his hand calmly, "The pleasure is all mine."

Turning to his assistant, Mr. Lambotte commanded, "Go tell the others we've found our partner. No need for them to wait in line anymore."


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