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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 349

The sound of applause thundered through the air, each clap echoing with a resonance that seemed to pierce the very soul.

The intensity of the clapping was directly proportional to the sourness spreading across Rebecca Morris's face. As the rightful heiress to the Morris family's vast estate, she found herself bested by an imposter, a counterfeit heiress who had not only usurped her place but was also known far and wide as a complete and utter failure.

How was she to hold her head high in Cloudcrest society after such a humiliating defeat?

Not far from the commotion, Sherman's gaze cut through the crowd, zeroing in on a phrase that seemed to sum up the evening's surprise, "Mastery lies in simplicity, and wisdom in humility."

The meaning was clear: it's better to appear underwhelming than to flaunt one's intellect; better to be modest than to radiate arrogance; better to seem approachable than aloof; better to retreat than to advance without caution.

Sherman couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself.

Those words...

Weren't they the perfect description of Anthea herself?

All these years, she had been hiding her brilliance behind a veil of ordinariness.

"Anthea, you're incredible!" Daniel approached her, admiration clear in his voice.

Anthea's response was light, "I haven't practiced my calligraphy in a long time. I'm a bit rusty."

This was no false modesty.

Back in her world, even the most revered figures in the calligraphy scene would have to tip their hats to her.

This was her first time picking up a pen since arriving here.

Daniel was stunned by her casual admission. If this was her being "rusty," what heights could she reach if she truly applied herself? Would the masters of the calligraphy world need to retire in her presence?

"Anthea, you're too modest," Daniel continued, "By the way, did the dessert made by the Michelin-star chef tonight meet your expectations?"

Anthea nodded, "It was quite delightful."

At this, Rebecca's expression darkened further.

What had Daniel just called Anthea?

A prodigy?

How could Anthea possibly deserve such a title?

Daniel was supposed to see her, Rebecca, as his confidante. How could he lavish such attention on Anthea instead?


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