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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 49

Bringing up the man who had already shattered Carole's heart in the past would only serve to deepen her existing wound.

Sarah was quite fond of Anthea. It didn't take long for the two young women to hit it off, even though Anthea was a few years Sarah's junior. Sarah didn't feel any sense of distance between them.

They chatted like they were old friends, regretting not having met sooner.

Initially, Sarah had been a bit uneasy. In her mind, beautiful girls were like unattainable stars.

Take Rebecca, for example.

Rebecca was gorgeous and top of her class, which meant she never gave Sarah the time of day.

After Sarah flunked her middle school exams and didn't get into high school, she started working. Rebecca looked down on her even more after that.

She ridiculed Sarah countless times in the open and behind her back, mocking her that she was an illiterate who'd never amount to anything, taunting her that she’d always be poor.

Linking arms with Anthea, Sarah said, "I thought all you pretty types would be hard to get along with! But Ann, you're the exception."

Anthea responded, "You're pretty, too, Sarah." And she meant it. Sarah was genuinely attractive.

A bit embarrassed, Sarah replied, "Oh, stop it. But seriously, Ann, you're not what I expected. You are not like Rebecca at all. She was so icy. I never dared to talk to her..."

Anthea stroked her chin thoughtfully and declared, "Maybe she's cold because... she's not as pretty as me."

Such vanity might have been off-putting from others, but when Anthea claimed her beauty, it felt rightfully hers.

Sarah couldn't help but laugh. What a magical gem she was!

"Do you have Twitter, Sarah? Let's connect!"

"Sure thing!" Sarah pulled out her phone.

They added each other.

Then, Sarah asked, "Ann, why is your Twitter so empty?"


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