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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 54

Even one of them was so scared that he wet himself.

"Ma'am, anything else you need?" the tattooed youth stammered, his voice trembling as he turned back to face her.

Anthea casually brushed her hair back with a graceful hand and spoke deliberately, "Tell the person pulling your strings that I won’t let him off the hook if there's a next time."

The tattooed youth nodded frantically. "Of course, ma'am. Can we, uh, get lost now?"

Anthea waved her hand dismissively.

The tattooed youth bolted, his legs pumping faster than ever, as if he had engines strapped to them, fearing Anthea might change her mind the next second.

Due to Anthea, these guys turned over a new leaf and became marathon runners.

But that was a story for another time.

"Uncle Nanson, let's head home," Anthea said, turning to Nanson with a composure that belied the fiery encounter as if the person filled with fury just moments ago wasn't her.

Nanson gaped at Anthea, blurting out instinctively. "Yes, ma'am..."

He caught himself mid-sentence, quickly adjusting to keep pace with Anthea, correcting himself, "Okay, my dear niece."

It was then that Daniel got a good look at her face. Was that Anthea?

He gasped, the air turning cold around him.

Anthea frowned, methodically rolling her sleeves back down, her gaze sweeping over him. "What are you staring at? Never seen a tough lady before, huh?"

Her eyes were cold, like ice in the dead of winter.

Daniel's knees buckled involuntarily, and he didn’t come to his senses until Anthea and Nanson vanished around the tree-lined bend.

Was that Anthea?

He slapped his face lightly. It hurt.

He wasn't dreaming. If that was Anthea, was she acting?

Daniel settled into the driver's seat, looking dazed, and glanced at Sherman. "Sherman, that was Anthea, wasn't it?"


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