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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65 

Although Harriet couldn’t speak French, she could tell from how Anthea chatted up with a group of foreigners that she was something

How could this be

Anthea hadn’t even finished middle school. How on earth could she speak French? And how could she speak it so well

It just didn’t add up

Baldie was the French whiz of their class. How could he possibly be outdone by a middle school dropout

Harriet often praised Baldie before Lauren and put Anthea down every chance back in the day. And Anthea had slapped her arrogance right back in her face. How could Harriet’s pride not take a hit

Harriet’s ego wasn’t just bruised, it was shattered, and she wasn’t alone in her suffering; Baldie was also tied up in knots, feeling the sting

He had Lauren summon Anthea over with the wicked intention of making her the butt of the joke. But instead of flopping, Anthea shone bright

She was dazzling

Baldie’s palms were slick with sweat as he looked up at Anthea. She stood there, basking in the brilliant light, her already stunning features taking on an otherworldly beauty under the glow. The crowd behind her seemed to fade into the background, props to her radiance

She was gorgeous and brimming with confidence

Not a trace of nerves marred her aloof visage

It was as though she wasn’t facing a group of foreigners but chatting with old friends

She was so poised and graceful, the epitome of elegance

No, she wasn’t supposed to be like this

Baldie clenched his fists

Anthea wasn’t supposed to be like this

With his superior education and family background, Baldie had always felt a sense of superiority over Anthea

But Anthea had crushed his pride underfoot

This new Anthea also showed him a distance he couldn’t bridge

Baldie was in agony. He couldn’t even believe it was reality

Anthea, for her part, didn’t give it much thought. After wrapping up the conversation with the foreign clients, she took her notebook and headed to the kitchen.. 

The table had guests with allergies to fish and garlic, so she needed to communicate that with 

the chef

The foreigners turned back to Harriet and Baldie, giving a thumbsup and a hearty GOOD!” 

Harriet and Baldie squirmed in their seats

Lauren exclaimed, Oh my goodness! Who knew Anthea had it in her? She’s amazing! Don’t you think, Harriet?” 

Yeah, sure,Harriet forced a stiff smile

After a moment’s thought, she added, But you know, being good at French isn’t enough without a proper education, Lauren. Haven’t you seen the news? That old lady picking up trash at the tourist spot knew French, too.” 

So, what if she spoke a few words of French

So, what if she spoke fluently? She was still working for them! She was a mere working girl

There was nothing to brag about

Her son attended a prestigious high school and would enter a top university. He was to join the elite, marry a beauty with brains and wealth, and reach the pinnacle of life


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