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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Oh, come on! That’s $15,000 we’re talking about here!” 

Mom, Anthea’s saying it’s not about the money” 

Harriet was fuming, her blood boiling. It was $15,000

What on earth did Anthea want

She couldn’t possibly be holding out for $100,000, could she

How shameless could she bel 

Mom, what do we do now?Baldie queried, his voice tinged with uncertainty

Just ignore her!Harriet spat out maliciously. That little bitch is just playing hardball with me! She can take it or leave it! I refuse to believe my rotisserie can’t survive without her!” 

Even if Anthea turned Cloudcrest upside down, there was no way she’d find anyone willing to pay $15,000 a month for an inexperienced waitress with no education to boast of

Who in their right mind would do that

Were they out of their minds

So, I just ignore her?” 

Harriet nodded affirmatively. Yeah, ignore her! Mark my words. Within three days, she’ll come crawling back and begging for her job!” 

As the words left her mouth, Harriet added, And if she messages you on WhatsApp trying to apologize, don’t even respond!” 

Got it,Baldie agreed before he asked hesitatingly, Mom, do you think Anthea will come back 

to us?” 

Of course!Harriet declared, brimming with confidence. I offered her $15,000, and she refused. When she begs to come back, she’ll find the offer substantially reduced. Just wait and see her regret it, Baldie.” 

Baldie nodded, convinced by his mother’s assurance


Wrapped in her quilted vest, Karen had taken a brisk walk around the park before heading home

She was about to take her medicine when she realized the staff hadn’t prepared it

Karen confronted the butler, Larkin, why haven’t you instructed the kitchen staff to prepare my medicine?” 

Before the butler could reply, Adah interrupted, Karen, I had Dr. Lyons look at those medicines 



Charter 74 

you told Larkin to buy, and he said they’re just common ingredients, ineffective for your migraines.” 


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