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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 

After all the times he had driven Karen, this was the first time she had ever initiated a conversation with him

Not tired at all,he replied

Karen continued. Baber, did you think that young lady we just dropped off was pretty?” 

Baber, unsure of where Karen was headed with this, decided to stick with the truth. Yes, she’s 


Upon hearing this, Karen lit up her face with pride. Of course! Sherman’s wife is bound to be beautiful.” 

Baber was speechless. So Karen had taken him on such a roundabout conversation just to brag about how gorgeous Sherman’s wife would be

Anthea returned home

Nanson had already arrived and was sitting in the living room, chatting with Carole

Ann, you’re back just in time. Elaine’s birthday is tomorrow. Carole and I were discussing heading over to her place. You’ve been back for a while and haven’t met many of the relatives. It’s a good chance to get to know everyone.” 

Aunt Elaine’s place?Anthea paused, then remembered that Carole had not only a younger brother like Nanson but also two older sisters and an older brother

Nanson was referring to Carole’s eldest sister, Elaine Yeager

Sure,Anthea nodded, then added, What time are we going tomorrow? I’ll head to bed early tonight.” 

Lately, Anthea had been swamped with developing her OS System, working late into the night.. 

No need to rush,Carole added. We’ll leave around nine in the morning.” 

The next morning, Anthea was up early. After a jog, she joined Carole and Nanson on their way 

to Elaine’s house

After a twohour journey on the bus, weaving through the city, they finally arrived

Anthea hadn’t expected Aunt Elaine’s living conditions to be so grand

A majestic villa stood before them, complete with a sprawling front garden and two large fountains to the left

Standing in front of the opulent villa, Carole seemed a bit tense

Anthea looped her arm through Carole’s, Mom, one day I’ll buy you and Uncle Nanson twenty 

Chapter 86 

villas like this each. One for you to live in and nineteen to rent out. You can just collect the rent, and don’t even need to work.” 

Really?Nanson said excitedly. Though it sounded like a boast, he believed that Anthea could make it happen

Of course.” 

Carole smiled, It’s the thought that counts.Clearly, she didn’t take Anthea’s words to heart

In Cloudcrest, an average villa would cost at least seven million dollars

A villa like this one at least cost ten million

A million dollars was out of reach for them, let alone twenty

Nanson stepped forward to ring the doorbell 

The door was opened by a housekeeper

The housekeeper, upon seeing Carole and Anthea, didn’t show much respect, but rather a hint 

of scorn

Shameless, poor relatives coming to mooch again

The housekeeper didn’t invite them in right away but turned and called out, Mrs. Lyons, there are guests!” 

Soon after, Elaine emerged, “Who is it?” 


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