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Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss novel Chapter 36


The old man was startled, his gaze unblinkinglyfocused on the young girls confident face, unable to return to reality for a long time.

What did she just say? Medicinal herbs that would allow her to cultivate? Was he having trouble with his hearing?

"Did you just say you can cultivate?"

He must have heard it wrong, surely he must have heard it wrong. How could this be possible! Even if those imperial doctors were willing to do so, it was still not certain that they could cure her body...

However, the old man was able to quickly verify his suspicion!

The young girls face still had that willful and bewitching smile, her eyes and eyebrows were projecting arrogance and confidence. Her body was clad in white clothes that gently fluttered in the breeze, and her fine black hair rippled like a waterfall, peerlessly youthful.

Nonetheless, the old man's attention was obviously not there...

Spiritual energy!

That was right, he could feel the presence of spiritual energy exuding from his beloved granddaughter.

"Low-rank early-level Spirit Cultivator?" He asked in disbelief. "Feng'er, you...you can cultivate?"

"That's right," Feng Yun Luo nodded slightly. "I could start cultivating since yesterday, I just didn't have time to tell you. Now, do you still think these medicinal herbs are expensive?"

After three seconds of silence, a sound of mad laughter resonated through the entire Yun Estate.

This made the maidservants and guards in the Yun Estate even more terrified. They really could not figure out what their general was losing his mind over; he was raging one moment and laughing the next. Could it be he was going insane?

At present, Yun Luo, who was standing in the treasury and laughing heartily with his head thrown back, was entirely clueless that due to some people propagating today's story, it led the entire imperial city to question his sanity!

Moreover, it was Yun Luofeng, the trash, who had pushed him to the brink of madness!


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