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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1080

Eden felt an overwhelming sense of warmth at his words.

"Thank you, having you good friends around is a blessing to both Victor and me." Eden looked at him sincerely.

Although Victor had suffered a lot in those years, he was not lonely because of these close friends.

Lucian smiled and said, "From now on, you and Amelia can work in Victor's office."

Eden nodded. "Okay! Thanks."

"That's what I should do."

He turned to leave and went to let Amelia pack her things to work here.

Victor's office was very large. He arranged for Amelia to work outside, because Eden needed a private space.

Amelia didn't say anything. She quickly moved her things over and began to sort them out.

Eden looked at Victor's desk.

His desk was very neat, and there was nothing to sort out.

There were documents on it that he couldn't finish reading.

Eden looked at the safe by the side. She did not know the password. However, after thinking about it, she entered her birth date, and the safe was opened.

Eden was so upset that she took out the things inside with trembling hands. These things must be incredibly precious to Victor.

Eden looked through them one by one. They were not some secret documents, but memories of her and him as children, pictures of them as children, and Victor's diary, all of which he treasured here.

Eden opened the diary. The paper inside was slightly yellowed and the notes were a little blurred. It could be seen that this was a notebook from a long time ago.

She opened the first page of the list of things Victor had to do.

He also wrote down some negative words when he was angry.

He always had complaints about his father.

At that time, Victor was still young, but his handwriting was very beautiful.

The diary was written on the third day after he lost Eden.

"Eden has been missing for three days now. Why did I run out in the rain that day that I lost my only Eden? Eden, where are you?"

It could be seen from these few words that he was very sad at that time.

At that time, he had no one to talk to, so he could only have this way to vent his emotions.

Eden turned to the page where he recognized her. He wrote, "I have waited for so many years. Finally, I found her. She's still my beloved one. She is still as wonderful as she was as a child. Eden, thank you for coming back to me."

These sincere inner monologues made Eden feel warm.

Eden blinked her eyes, and her vision was a little blurry. She suddenly realized that she was in tears.

"Victor, if you can wait for me, so can I."

As long as she hadn't seen his body, she wouldn't believe he was dead.

She wiped away her tears. She hasn't cried for some time.

Even at night, when she misses him and her hidden pain could not be ignored, she did not cry.

But today, she couldn't control her tears again.

In the past few days, she dreamed of him, and he smiled at her and . "Honey, I love you. When I come back, I'll pick you up from work together." This dream appeared in her dreams for several consecutive nights.

She always believed that he was still alive.

"Victor, I will run the company well and wait for you to come back. You said that after I achieve my dream, you will take me to travel around the world. By that time I will also promise to take over my father's company. I never told you that my dad treated me well so I wanted to fulfill his wish to take my mom around the world."

After all, we are still young and have plenty of time. It's not too late for us to travel around the world after mom and dad return from their world tour."


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