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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1096

Malcom's expression turned completely aloof. Looking at him carefully, Eden found that he was trembling slightly.

Why did Eden relate the two things to each other?

Haven looked at Malcom in confusion.

Was it him who had stolen one billion dollars from Alwynn Group?

Oh, since he could transfer the money from Clement Group easily, stealing the money of Alwynn Group was just a piece of cake to him.

One billion dollars was enough for him to enjoy a rich life forever.

Malcom said angrily, "I don't understand what you're talking about!" He immediately suppressed the panic in his eyes and looked at Haven, "Let's go."

Haven didn't say anything and left with him.

Eden's phone suddenly rang, and she answered it.


Kenny said excitedly, "Mom, I've found out something. The money of Clement Group was transferred to Haven's account in batches. However, she owns the money legally. She registered a company when she dragged Myra into the mire. The company runs no business and it is a trap. It has whitewashed her money, but we can call the police. I'm investigating it."

Eden held the phone more tightly, "Kenny, thanks for your hard work during this period of time."

Kenny said, "Mom, I have one more thing to tell you. The money that Alwynn Group has lost is in Malcom's bank account. His way of transferring money is very clever, and he has made lots of preparations, so the police haven't found it yet. I have got the evidence, and I can hand it over to the police at any time."

Eden said, "Kenny, don't be in a hurry. I met them and alerted them just now. I want to know if your father's accident has something to do with Malcom."

Kenny said, "Mom, I've been checking the surveillance videos in dad's parking lot. Give me some more time."

"OK!" Eden hung up the phone. The sorrow was on her face was hard to hide.

"Victor, I will catch the person who hurt you with my own hands." She thought.

She immediately dialed Brian's mobile phone.

"Hello, Mrs. Alwynn."

Eden said, "Brian, I met Haven and Malcom just now, and they have known something. You... know what to do, don't you? Judging from Haven's expression, I think she doesn't know Malcom very well. Take actions now. They have just left River City Restaurant, and they will definitely go back to their apartment. Get ready."

Brian said, "Mrs. Alwynn, I know what to do. I'm with Mr. Ronen now."

"Oh!" Eden narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Let me speak to him."

"Eden." Lucian said in a serious tone.

Eden said, "Lucian, we've spent much effort, and Kenny has found the evidence. The money of Clement Group is in Haven's bank account, and the money that Alwynn Group lost is in Malcom's bank account. So, Victor's car accident must have something to do with Malcom. They want to make up for the loss, so we have to take actions quickly. We can't let Clement Group suffer losses in vain."

Lucian said, "Eden, don't worry. We'll go and arrange it right away. I'll call Kenny later."

Eden said in a choked voice, "Thank you!" Her voice was hoarse. After she hung up the phone, her face still looked cold. She had waited for two months, and they finally got some clues.

Abigail lowered her head to look at her. Eden had been such a gentle and kind girl, but her life was so hard that she had to be so cold and vigilant every day. Her heart ached a lot every time she saw Eden like this.

Since Victor had an accident, Eden had really changed. When she stayed alone, she always looked indifferent, and her eyes were listless. She was immersed in her own world, and Abigail couldn't bear to see her so lonely.

"Eden, let's go up." Abigail's tone was full of pity.

Eden smiled and nodded, "Okay! I'm hungry."

She said like a spoiled child. Abigail's throat tightened, and she was about to cry.

"Alright, let's go eat your favorite seafood porridge." Abigail pushed her into the elevator.

When they got upstairs, Eden went to the private box where she and Victor often went before.


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