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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1539

Victor rubbed her head habitually, "Fool, that's right. The three children can learn a lot abroad."

"Yes!" Eden nodded. Ricky had always been very clingy to her. He would grow up soon after leaving her.

They returned to the company.

Lucian soon entered the office with a stack of documents.

He placed the documents on the table.

Seeing this, Victor frowned and said blandly, "Is the Simpson family so complicated?"

Lucian sat opposite them slowly, and there was no emotion in his calm eyes.

Seeing him like this, Eden felt that his life seemed to have returned to normal, but he had become more pensive.

He acted as if Amelia had never appeared in his life.

"How can you make preparation if I don't get the complete information? It took me two days to find out these information. Kenny told me some information when he left."

The expression in Victor's eyes changed. Kenny knew how serious this matter was.

He picked up the documents about the first person, looked it over and kept it in mind.

"Randy Turner, Barrett's right-hand man in River City. He has a good relationship with the Lucian family in Gate City. As far as I know, the person who did something bad to Mr. Calder's construction site a few days ago was Charles, the eldest son of the Lucian family. Irving was involved as well. His purpose was very simple. He wanted to find Mr. Calder's daughter and give a blow to Mr. Calder."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Calder handled it in time, and they didn't succeed. This time, Charles is on the invitation list."

Victor nodded, "Let's do it step by step. Aim at Randy first."

Lucian nodded with understanding, "What do you want to use?"

Victor smiled wickedly with a cruel calculation, "Use the piece of land we got from Irving."

"I see."

Lucian glanced at Eden, "What's your plan now?"

Eden looked at him with amusement, "Why do you ask me this question?"

"Now you are busier than Victor. You're the president of Symantec Group!" Lucian looked at her with a smile.

Eden knew what he meant by saying that.

"It happened too suddenly, and I haven't figured out what to do, but I think it's a good thing to be busy. At least I won't fill my mind with nonsense."

Lucian smiled. His smile was more reserved than usual, "You woman always like to make blind and disorderly conjectures."

Eden looked at him, "Do you know women so well?"

Lucian shook his head and didn't want to talk about this subject, "I not only don't know women, but also become more and more unfamiliar with them."

If he really knew women, Amelia would not have left him so easily.

"Don't make such a rash judgment. There are some things that you men don't want to admit."

Eden smiled mysteriously, "Show me the information of Randy and Charles as well." Since they had to go against them, she should do a good job.

She couldn't disappoint Zaiden.

Victor looked at her with doting eyes, "Since we'll go forward hand in hand, you should read these documents carefully. They all have something to do with or depend on the Simpson family. They're all loyal to Barrett."

Eden nodded with a smile. Knowing the enemies and knowing themselves, they could fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

She read the information about Charles and laughed, "It seems that all rich people like to collect antiques, calligraphy and paintings. Charles is young, but he likes these things as well."


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