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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1798

Seeing them talking about business, Amelia took Eden upstairs. She had something to say to Eden.

When they went upstairs, Lucian narrowed his eyes. What did they want to talk about?

Amelia closed the door after entering the room.

Eden looked at her with amusement and asked curiously, "Amelia, what are you doing?"

"Eden, have you recovered?" Amelia looked at her worriedly. Eden's face was pale indeed.

"I've recovered for a long time. Why do you take me here?" Eden sat on the beige sofa.

She looked around at their bedroom which was decorated in European style. It was simple and very comfortable.

Amelia sat opposite her and asked mysteriously, "Did Mr. Alwynn kneel on a durian?"

Eden was stunned. What did she mean?

Seeing that she looked puzzled, Amelia added, "Eden, I called you that day, and Mr. Alwynn answered the phone. He let me ask Lucian to kneel on a durian."

Eden was surprised. How could Victor do this to Lucian?

Eden smiled and asked, "Amelia, did you dare to do that?"

"Of course. Anyway, I'm not afraid of him now. However, he had sex with me before I could say those words to him." Amelia's face looked dejected, and she was in a bad mood, "He hasn't forgiven me."

Eden didn't know what to do. After all, this was something between Amelia and Lucian, and she couldn't help Amelia with this.

"Moreover, Eden, as for Edith..." Amelia bit her lower lip with grievances.

Hearing Edith's name, Eden suddenly thought of her terrifying eyes when she left.

"What did she do?"

Amelia handed her phone to Eden.

It was a message sent by Edith.

"Amelia, think about how humble you are. Are you good enough for Lucian?"

"Lucian and I grew up together. If it weren't for the fact that I went abroad, you would never have a chance to meet him. If you still have some self-esteem, leave Lucian. I will take good care of the children."

Her words showed her disgust and contempt for Amelia.

Eden suddenly became furious and looked at Amelia's wronged face, "Amelia, didn't you tell Lucian about this matter? Since when did she begin to send you such a message?"

"Last night. She sent me the massage in the middle of the night. I saw what she posted online. She seemed to be drunk."

"How could she speak so logically since she was drunk?" Eden frowned and looked at Amelia with worry. Amelia always kept problems bottled up and bore everything alone.

"Yes, but she was really drunk last night. I thought she was just angry and didn't take her words seriously."

Just as Eden was about to return the phone to her, Amelia received another massage from Edith.

"Amelia, you are really timid. You don't even dare to reply to me. That's right. You grew up in a poor environment, so you're shortsighted, aren't you?"

"If I were you, I would have a clear estimation of myself and give up Lucian on my own so that he can be with someone who's good enough for him."

"Don't you feel inferior? Aren't you ashamed? You have nothing. Are you really qualified to be with Lucian? If I were you, I would leave him."

Eden looked at the massages and went berserk.

Edith mentioned Amelia's background, because she knew that Amelia was softhearted and weak.

She wanted to force Amelia to leave in this way.

However, she understood that as a mother, Amelia was strong. She would not leave Lucian so easily because she wanted her children to have a complete home.


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