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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1819

Danielle glanced at Eden and moved her gaze away straight after nervously. Then she lowered her face and explained, "I don't want to be looked too special in the company, so I didn't wear clothes that I like. However, this kind of dress suits me well at my age anyway."

Eden didn't say anything straight away. Was she trying to say that Eden was old?

Thinking of this, Eden smiled and said calmly, "Yes, it's very suitable for you. You look beautiful in this dress and pink is really suitable for you at your age. My husband likes this kind of look. However, I'm too old for that. Now I only like mature looks."

In fact, she felt Danielle was not clever at all. Men probably would be attracted by these kinds of women, however, they would also lose their interests very quickly.

Danielle had been focused on her appearance too much, but she totally forgot that appearance was not the most important thing for a woman.

A decent woman should be wise and know how to think from other people's perspectives.

However, it also depends.

Danielle didn't seem to be a person who didn't understand that. She was just too eager to get money.

"Director Bleu, you are very suitable to the mature style. No one could look as smart as you," Danielle said and glanced at Eden from up and down. She was wearing a blue suit with a collarless chiffon shirt inside. The diamond earrings and her red lips totally matched it and made her look more elegant.

"Thank you. I think you are not only pretty but also very talented. I have seen your work for the winter season, and you are getting better and better." Eden was telling the truth. Danielle indeed had a lot of potentials. She would shine in the future if she didn't take the wrong path in life.

But unfortunately, she could not resist the temptation of money.

"Thank you for your compliment! Anyway, I need to go back to my work now. Please let me know if there is anything I need to change after you check them."

"Sure!" Eden smiled and nodded, watching her leave.

If she wanted to be successful, she also needed to have a good interpersonal relationship. Danielle knew it, so she was keep a good relationship with everyone in the design department. She was really good at finding everyone's weaknesses and then offering her help, and in this way, she established a great reputation in the whole department.

Eden picked up Danielle's design sketches and walked back to her computer, then carefully looked them through.

At the same time, in the dark hospital storage room,

a disheveled middle-aged man was sitting on the ground, with bruises on his face. He raised his head and looked at Victor's gloomy face in horror.

Victor, Lucian, and Brian were sitting nearby and looking at him.

At this time, Brian said, "It's been a few days, but he was still not willing to tell us who sent him here. However, I already got his real identity and found his family. Now he must want to explain everything to us."

Hearing this, the man trembled slightly. Then he asked in a panic, "What do you want to do? Leave my family alone."

Brian tutted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You care about your family, but don't you think that my friend cares about his family too? You are really pessimistic. You almost killed my little niece and my friend and almost destroyed my friend's family. Now you are worried about your family? Don't you think it's a little too late?

If you tell us everything you know now, there is still a chance that you can survive. Do you want your son, who is doing his Ph.D. now, to have a father who is a murderer?" Brian threatened him.

This man was a drug addict.

But his family did not know.


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