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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1996

"Eden, you..." Dahlia was stunned, and she trembled with anger. Rage bubbled just below the surface of her mind.

Eden actually used this matter to insult her.

She was not qualified indeed, because she once copied Eden's design.

If she participated in the competition, Victor would definitely make this matter public. Therefore, she only asked Dulcie to participate in the competition.

Dulcie was a member of her company. If she won an award, it would be the honor of the company.

Dulcie's family was ordinary. As long as she lured Dulcie with money, she would work for her company obediently.

She would work hard for her without complaint.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird. It was strangely quiet.

Eden looked at her with a faint smile. She was provoking Dahlia in this way.

Suddenly, Dulcie sensed something wrong, and her heart was filled with confusion.

"Dahlia, why are you not qualified to participate in the competition?" If she remembered correctly, Dahlia was also a designer.

Although their company was once accused of plagiarizing the design of Alwynn Group, she was involved in it, so she couldn't blame Dahlia for it.

Back then, Dahlia forgot her original intention and played the dirty trick in order to make the company develop better.

Dahlia seemed to be hiding something from her.

Eden looked at Dahlia's dumbfounded face and then left with a smile.

After a long while, Eden paid the bill and left, but she still stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Dahlia, you..."

"Dulcie, don't listen to her nonsense. I didn't participate in the competition because I'm Barrett's lover now." She could dispel the doubt in Dulcie's heart by saying this.

Dulcie immediately understood.

"Dahlia, I'm sorry. I forgot this." She had very contradictory feelings towards Dahlia. She hated her immoral deeds, but she could not live without her money. The salary she offered was too attractive.

Dulcie realized something after knowing her own heart. At the other end of the scale, many truths always meant cruelty.

People like them who worked hard indulged in the world of rich people. Watching others live a luxurious life, they were affected unconsciously as time went by. They had long forgotten their original intentions and found it difficult to get back to their original life.

She hoped to make some achievements so that she would not live a mediocre life.

When she was in school, she had no worries, and her happiness was simple. But after she grew up, she had a heavy load on her shoulders. Sometimes she would rather be wronged than make sacrifice.

Life was so hard!

Dulcie sighed in heart.

Life was never carefree and comfortable. They were all moving forward with burdens.

"It's okay, Dulcie. We've bought the coffee and juice. Let's go back to the company first." Dahlia knew that Dulcie no longer doubted her and felt much better.

She would not give Eden a chance to win the competition.

"Yeah!" Dulcie nodded slightly. Although she had doubts in heart, she could not think too much. After all, Dahlia paid her.

Eden's mood was not affected by Paulina.

She took the things she bought and went directly to Lyric's house.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw Lyric waiting for her in the living room.

"Lyric, are you hungry?" Eden placed the snacks on the table and went into the kitchen with the food.


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