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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 983

Anson smirked and nodded. "If Ricky had contracted with our company, our performance would be better. You can’t get your son to listen to you. Oh, so bad!" He teased.

Victor smiled reluctantly and said, "Yeah, you’re right. I can't control any of them."

In fact, in the afternoon, he didn’t leave but stood outside the door. Ricky’s complaint hurt him badly.

Luckily Gia stood up for him. How could Ricky take an outsider’s side against his father?

At that time, he really wanted to storm into the room and discipline him. He and Ricky hadn’t met each other for half a year, but Ricky became more clingy to his mother, not missing him at all. He was jealous.

Seeing Victor’s strange expression, Anson asked in confusion, "Why are you gnashing?"

"What? I’m not!" Victor denied immediately, lowering his head to avoid Anson’s eyes.

Anson didn’t say anything. He could guess the reason.

"Haha, okay." Anson laughed. "Don't overthink it. Children nowadays have minds of their own. Ricky must have his own reason. Don’t be so sad."

In which universe do you see I am sad? Victor retorted in his heart.

Eden said, "Ricky is still young, he should gain experience at the outside."

"I agree." Victor looked at her and smiled gently.

Anson was speechless again. What a doting husband.

Suddenly, Abigail's charming face appeared in his mind. He couldn’t be more doting when facing Abigail.

"Eden, I poached some corn. Do you want some?"

Abigail's happy voice was heard. Anson was slightly stunned and his entire body tensed up.

Noticing his reaction, Eden frowned slightly.

As soon as Abigail came in and saw Anson's back, she paused. Anson didn’t appear at the party so she thought he would not come.

Eden and she both liked eating corn, so she cooked some that she bought online and wanted to share with Eden. However, she didn't expect to meet Anson.

She immediately understood that he came over now to avoid her.

Glancing at Anson’s slender figure from behind, Abigail straightened her back and walked over with a plate of corn. Why should she evade? It was Anson who was avoiding her.

He could leave if he didn't want to see her.

Anyway, she didn’t do anything.

She unhurriedly walked past him and put the plate on the table.

Eden beamed and said, "Sit here, Abby. I love corn! I’m hungry now."

"Yeah. I knew it." As spoke, she glanced at Victor who was sitting next to Eden.

Leaning against Eden, Victor pursed his lips slightly. This woman was competing for his wife’s attention again.

Eden looked at him from the side. He noticed Eden's smiling eyes so he moved to the other side, making room for Abigail to sit down. Abigail glanced at him complacently as she lifted her brows. Then, she sat beside Eden.

She gave Anson a casual glance, who was sitting opposite her, and said, "Long time no see, Mr. Skye."

She hadn't seen Anson for months.

Abigail’s natural greeting made Anson smile. She was getting more and more beautiful. Without him, without the hurt he brought to her, she could be herself. This was the girl that he wanted to see.

But she calling him Mr. Skye hurt him. When had they become so distant?

Abigail gave a corn to Eden and said, "You can eat now, Eden. It’s not hot. Look how fresh it is!"

Eden took it with a smile and said, "Thanks! It looks delicious. White sweet corn is my favorite."

Abigail also picked up one. "It’s our favorite."

She glanced at Anson and Victor. "You two, help yourself."

Victor said reluctantly, "No, thanks."

Abigail smirked and said, "Fine. Yours are mine now. Eden and I can finish it."

Victor glanced at the eight corn on the plate and was slightly stunned. Could they really finish these?

His black eyes sparkled and he laughed. "Nah, why should I give you mine?"

Then, he gave one corn to Anson. "Here, yours."

Anson was hesitant. Seeing Abigail eating happily, he also took a bite of it. It was soft and moderately sweet. He liked the taste.

His mother used to cook yellow sweet corn. But he didn't like it because it tasted too sweet. This white corn was much better.

"Delicious!" He smiled slightly and looked at Abigail spontaneously.

His smile surprised Abigail. This was the first time he smiled ever since the accident happened to him.

She lowered her head slightly. She rarely saw him after he escaped from the hospital. Coward man.


Do you want to slip away after winning my love?


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