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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 986

Hearing the voice, Haven broke out in a cold sweat. Eden looked back and saw Wyatt and Buddy coming in with angry expressions.

Wyatt walked behind Eden and looked coldly at Haven who was paralyzed with shock . "Haven, I'm so disappointed in you."

"I… I don’t understand, Dad. I did nothing." Haven became submissive and lowered her head. She never expected to meet her father and brother here. She had tried everything to thaw the relationship between her and the Clement family, but now she was understood again. She didn't say anything to Eden today.

"Dad, Buddy, why are you here?" Eden asked with a smile.

When she woke up, she had told herself not to avoid her identity as the daughter of the Clement family.

Hearing Eden called them, Haven's turned red with anger. "He’s not your father!"

Buddy said in a deep voice, "Stop it, Haven. You are the first one to know Eden’s identity in our family. You do remember what you’ve done to stop Eden from coming back to our family, don’t you?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. How can this woman be Eden?" Haven pretended to be surprised.

Could it be because Buddy knows what I have done that he’s so cold to me? Haven guessed.

No, no, it's impossible. When did he start to suspect me?

Buddy looked at Haven with a disgusted expression.

Myra was so shocked that she stared at Eden with wide eyes. Was... was Cyan the lost daughter of the Clement family?!

She remembered that her mother had once said that the girl she hit dressed very well and was a child from a rich family.

She didn’t care at that time, but now it turned out that Cyan was the daughter of the Clement family, the second-biggest family in River City.

Giada was right. It was because of Eden’s kindness that their family didn’t be destroyed. She believed her words now.

But what could she do now?

She and her family had hurt Eden.

If her mother had known earlier that Cyan’s real identity, she would not have treated her like that.

Instead, she would have made use of her to get more money.

Buddy looked at her indifferently and said, "If you don't know what I'm talking about. Go back and look at the DNA test in your room."

Haven was startled. Buddy had found it out.

"Buddy, I..."

"Shut up. You clearly know that she is the one our family has been looking for, but you didn’t tell us, and you used Mother and brother to hurt her. You even broke Gia’s foot and hand. She has not recovered yet but was pushed to the ground again. How can you be so inhumane?"

"Eden is sitting in a wheelchair now, but every time you see her you act like a jerk. Do you know why Eden hasn’t returned to our family? Because she considered your feelings."

"She had experienced so much unfairness in the Gienger family. So she has been hiding from you, being thoughtful, even if you always hurt her. But you take her kindness as an allowance to bully her."

"Do you think we will abandon you if Eden comes back? You’re always a member of our family. We give you everything you want, and what’s your payback? Betray us?"

"What? Buddy, I really don't know what you’re talking about. And I just heard that she is Eden." Haven pretended to be confused by Buddy’s words. She wouldn’t admit that she know Eden’s identity In front of so many people.

She knew Buddy couldn’t deal with her if she didn't admit it. Anyway, it was impossible for her to break down her relationship with the Clement family now.

"Stop it." Buddy took a step forward, looked at Myra, and said, "Miss Gienger, please apologize to my sister."


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