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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 1233

Levi laughed. “That’s a good idea. Why don’t you inform Winsor right this moment? Tell him that I have returned to Erudia in defiance of my exile. Get him to come here and kick me out.”

Levi’s confident demeanor shocked Jerry.

Isn’t he afraid?

“Levi, I have no idea why you’re still alive and why your body has fully recovered. But once Winsor finds out about this, you will be in a world of trouble. After all, he was the one that gave the order to banish you and to forbid you from ever returning to Erudia. The moment you return, you are in open defiance of Winsor and his orders,” Jerry cleared his throat and declared.

In response, Levi simply chuckled.

Why would I be afraid of Winsor? This is getting interesting.

“Levi, you are someone that has lost to Winsor, he’s your bane and you know it! If he can beat you once, he can definitely beat you again.”

“Once you are arrested by him for causing trouble in Erudia, do you think he will let you live?” Jerry sneered.

The exact same thought crossed everyone’s minds.

After all, many in Oakland City had seen with their own eyes how Winsor defeated Levi.

In their minds, Winsor was stronger than Levi and Levi’s appearance was considered an open provocation towards him.

Once Windsor found out Levi was here, the consequences would be dire.

“So get out of here now! I’ll let you off this one time,” Jerry scoffed.

“Beat him up.” Levi ordered.


North Sky Lord approached and slapped Jerry forcefully, causing the latter’s flesh to split and blood to gush out.

“Argh!” Jerry screamed in agony.


North Sky Lord slapped him again and his face turned into a bloody mess.

Screams of anguish reverberated through the hall as if a pig were being slaughtered inside.


He was slapped again.

By now, Jerry was cringing on the ground in utter pain, his face an unrecognizable mess.

North Sky Lord pulled him up and rained punches down upon him.

The impact was so great that bloody holes appeared on Jerry’s body.


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