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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 1657

Unbeknownst to Levi, Abigail had asked Benny to not tell him the truth behind it all.

Abigail was a genius in medicine and had become a huge sensation in the world of ancient medicine.

As a result, the Medical Elite ancient family set their sights on her.

Carter came up with all sorts of ways to win her over, but Abigail rejected all of his advances.

One day, she heard rumors about Sonny from the Medical Elite ancient family planning to kill Levi.

Abigail begged Carter to not let that happen, and he agreed to her request under the condition that she married him.

That was also the true reason why the Medical Elite ancient family had left Levi alone.

“My friend, if only you knew that you're also the reason she took up medicine in the first place... You're fighting on the battlefield, and she's learning to become a military doctor! She's basically following in your footsteps!”

Levi had always treated Abigail as a little sister, so he didn't give this incident much thought as his focus was entirely on Jared at the time.

A few days later.

“Triple Group has secretly helped Jared out throughout these years! On top of that, his company's capital flow doesn't match his company's scale at all! The wealth he owns is practically equal to the richest man in the country!”

The look on Levi's face changed slightly upon hearing that. “Triple Group, you say? I have a bad feeling about this. Floyd, inform the Dragonites about this and have them look into it at once!

Something big might be on its way!”

Man, if only I could have The Calamity help me out right now. With their talent for gathering intel, I'm sure they could find me all the answers I need! It's a shame I've handed them over.

Floyd let out a helpless sigh. “I don't really have many resources at my disposal right now. The Dragonites won't be of much help because they're currently putting all their energy into strengthening themselves by recruiting new Supreme class warriors. Regardless, I'll still inform them about this.”


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