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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 2369

Levi headed out of the manor.

After studying the technique books for one whole day, he finally found the answer.

Maya Industries' data analysis was correct!

The myriad of new techniques had one single origin.

They had only diverged and expanded into different styles.

The myriad of techniques may have originated from Bayview and Adrune, but they undeniably shared the same origin.

Levi had also discovered that once fighters reached a certain level of mastery, Maya Industries' claim that it would lead to the practitioner's ultimate doom was also true.

The fast-track technique did not have a

stable base.

Hence, it would not be unsurprising for it to come biting back the practitioner once they reached a certain level of mastery.

The release of the techniques was merely a part of the experiment, and the experimenter clearly had no regard for the practitioner's lives.

However, Levi had to admit that the inventor of the technique was a formidable presence.

He was especially amazed by the fact that the single fast-track technique could evolve and diverge into hundreds and thousands of techniques.

The discovery had served to cement Levi's notion that it was all part of Lab of Gods' plans.

Having said that, he knew that they could not keep practicing the fast-track technique.

Of course, he knew it would be a futile attempt to advise everyone in the world against it.

However, he could control almost a third of the world through Sacred Organization, and also his disciples and people whom he regarded as his own brethren.

Levi came out of his solitary training after the pang of realization hit him.

He was initially stumped to see so many people present at his place, but was delighted at the sight of them the next second.

“Great. Now that everyone's here, I don't need to go look for all of you individually.”


The others were bemused by his words, not knowing what was on his mind.

“Why did you come out of the solitary training so soon? Do you need any help?” Zoey asked with a surprised look on her


She had assumed that the solitary training would take at least ten days, even stretching up to half a month.


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