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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1040

Albert’s Tavern had rules as strict as during Prohibition, and anyone caught breaking them would find life a living hell.

Agnes just couldn't wrap her head around it. But Jarvis had insisted there was someone above Honey Badger in the chain.

The next day, sure enough, Patton showed up bright and early, bringing along a bunch of his guys. They started hauling all sorts of materials over. Patton was all manners when he saw Agnes, addressing her as Miss Septima with every breath. Without much ado, they began fixing up the east wing's crumbling walls. He did have some skills, it seemed. In less than half a day, he had the place looking decent again.

Agnes watched him from a window inside the house, pondering how to pry some information out of him. After a moment of thought, she poured a cup of tea and approached Patton. Handing him the tea, she tried to make small talk: “I didn’t expect you to have such craftsmanship.”

Patton, surprised and flattered to be offered tea by her, quickly took the cup with both hands: “Miss Septima, you’re too kind. After my rudeness yesterday, your forgiveness means the world to me. This is nothing, really. If there’s anything you need in the future, just say the word.”

Agnes smiled and took a seat on a nearby stone bench, gesturing for Patton to do the same: “Take a break for a moment, have some tea.”

Patton sat down, feeling honored. To sit and chat over tea with Albert’s most cherished Miss Septima was a privilege. Maybe yesterday’s incident wasn’t so bad after all. If he could get on Miss Septima’s good side... And perhaps even get her to put in a good word for him with Albert.

Seizing the opportunity, Patton started to butter her up: “Miss Septima is just as the legends say, beautiful and kind. No wonder you’re Albert’s favorite. Actually, there’s a saying around Albert's Tavern... about you…”

Agnes was curious: “What do they say about me at Albert's Tavern?”

Patton shared: “Everyone says it’s a pity Miss Septima wasn’t born a man. If you were, Albert would surely hand over the reins of Albert's Tavern to you. Even though you’re a woman, if you wished, Albert would still offer you half his empire just for your amusement.”

Agnes laughed: “So, you all think so highly of me?”

“It’s not just high regard; it’s the truth. Albert’s affection for Miss Septima is unmatched.”

Agnes just smiled: “I’m not really interested in Albert's Tavern, but how did Honey Badger get involved with Albert's Tavern?”

Hearing Agnes refer to him as Honey Badger made Patton puff up with pride. It seemed Miss Septima was treating him as one of her own.

Patton spilled the beans: “Originally, I was just a butcher down in the southern part of the city, with a bit of a temper. My wife cheated on me, and in a fit of rage, I took a knife to her and her lover. Ended up serving five years for it. When I got out, I had nothing left, so I started working construction, just moving bricks. But fate had its way, and one night, someone broke into the dormitory I was sleeping in. Looked like he was on the run, injured and all. My temper flaring up, feeling like life owed me, I fought off the two guys chasing him. Turns out, the guy hiding in my room was Albert's Tavern's very own Sean, the boss's son. After that, Sean brought me into Albert's Tavern to work.”


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