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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1060

Agnes had been digging through the shadows these past few days, unearthing bits and pieces that hinted at a larger, more convoluted plot than he had ever imagined. What he found was startling. Before its acquisition, the major shareholder of NovaPlex Labs was none other than the Thomas Group. On the surface, the Thomas Group appeared to hold a minor stake, but the puppet master pulling the strings from behind was Berlin Thomas himself.

So far, Agnes wasn't entirely sure how this tangled web connected back to him, but the coincidences were too glaring to ignore. It felt like he was enveloped in a dense, suffocating net, desperately searching for an escape, but finding none. These past days, he hadn't been able to meet with Jared, leaving him worried sick about the situation on his end.

To make matters worse, the media suddenly blew Jared's cover wide open. Old tales spun anew, the media was ablaze with the story of Jared, the son of Michael, the once-feared boss of Albert’s Arms, and the hidden scandal of the Whitfield family. The public knew Jared as Alyssa's son but were in the dark about his real father's identity. This mystery had been a favorite topic of gossip, simmering in the underbelly of society for years.

Now, with Michael's name thrust into the limelight, it was like a bomb had gone off in the media world, uncovering his deepest secrets. For a name that had once moved like a ghost—silent and invisible—its sudden exposure was shocking. This also confirmed Agnes's suspicion that there was a mole within Albert’s Arms, someone close to Reggie, leaking information only insiders would know, including the very details of Michael's past.

The media spun countless tales about Michael and Alyssa's past, from clichéd stories of forbidden love between a mafia bad boy and a society princess to tragic tales of love thwarted by class differences, forcing Alyssa into a strategic marriage with Cilian, a pawn in her father's business game. If Agnes hadn't known the truth, even he might have been swayed by these elaborate narratives.

But the truth often lies far from what's visible to the public eye. Just like with the drug trafficking crisis linked to the Tim Group, people rarely sought the truth; they clung to snippets of information, hastily passing judgment to satisfy a self-righteous sense of justice, fancying themselves as heroes in a battle against evil. Jared, once lauded as a business prodigy, was now vilified as a notorious drug dealer and murderer, with public cries for his execution growing louder by the day.

The situation was overwhelming, each passing second feeding Agnes's panic. This wasn't like any other case; it was a meticulously laid trap, implicating not just the Tim Group but countless innocent lives. Behind it all lay a monstrous drug syndicate, with the Tim Group and Jared merely scapegoats for the real villains.

Why Jared? Why choose the Tim Group to take the fall? Agnes was frantic, his investigations hitting dead ends. He faced a crossroads: delve deeper into Albert’s Arms for answers or confront Berlin directly.


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