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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1075

Jared had always been a prodigy, exuding warmth and affection in her presence, almost as if he was Michael's way of making amends. In stark contrast, Ryder had always seemed to be wrapped in a cloak of frost. He was the silent type, his demeanor as cold as ice, his thoughts inscrutable to anyone. It wasn't that she hadn't tried to get closer; it was just that he had never opened up to anyone. Agnes might have been an exception. But that only marked the beginning of a tragedy.

The person most pained by the unfolding events was her. Just yesterday, she was running around trying to clear Jared's name from a murder charge, and today, Ryder was being detained for questioning. Both were her children, dear to her in every way. What Alyssa hadn't expected was for Michael to agree to meet, already on his way from the Capital and expected to arrive tonight. Cilian had also caught wind of Ryder's arrest and was en route from the Capital as well. With everything converging, Alyssa decided it was time to resolve matters once and for all. She summoned everyone to Whitfield Manor.

Over the phone, Agnes only heard Alyssa asking Jared to come home before the call abruptly ended. They owed Alyssa an explanation. They had planned to return at the first opportunity, but with Ryder's arrest, not even Agnes could predict what would happen next.

Agnes and Jared arrived at Whitfield Manor in the evening. The grand manor was, as always, ablaze with lights. It was a Whitfield family tradition. Nearly every room was lit at night, a practice never broken. It wasn't about extravagance; Alyssa suffered from nyctophobia. Having lost her mother at a young age and raised by Tim alone, who was often busy with work, she grew up under the care of nannies. No number of nannies could fill the void of a motherless childhood. Thus, Alyssa made it a habit to keep every room and the yard brightly lit at night. Only under the glow of those lights did she feel the warmth and company that alleviated her loneliness.

Upon entering the house, the butler promptly assisted them with their coats, the interior warm and inviting. Jared inquired, “Where's sis?”

“The young miss has confined herself to her room all day, hasn’t had a bite to eat,” the butler replied. Jared frowned, but Agnes had anticipated this grim scenario. First Jared was imprisoned, and now Ryder was detained. The truth was unraveling; a tale of brother pitting against brother, with Ryder scheming against Jared, leading to a deadly retaliation. To Alyssa, this must seem like fratricide.

A memory suddenly flashed in Agnes's mind. It was shortly after she had returned to the country and reconciled with Jared. When Jared brought Agnes home, Alyssa had expressed her disapproval of their relationship, aware of Ryder's temperament. She had warned that a relationship with either brother would inevitably lead to their mutual destruction. Her words had proven prophetic. Agnes felt a pang of guilt. She bore an undeniable responsibility for how things had turned out, a thorn in her side, constantly reminding her. Yet, it was unavoidable.

Jared and Agnes made their way upstairs. Jared knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.


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