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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 520

Whenever Agnes thought of Beatrice, she felt a wave of sadness.

But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. From that day on, she had completely let go of the blood ties with Beatrice.

Since that day, Agnes had no more attachments to that family.

Agnes went back to her room.

Everything was the same as four years ago, even the comb she had left on her dresser hadn't moved.

Agnes knew she was probably gonna have another sleepless night.

Over the years, the only thing that had been giving her a hard time was severe insomnia, especially in new environments.

Agnes decided to clean and organize the house from top to bottom. By the time the first rays of dawn peeked in around four or five in the morning, Agnes had finally managed to clean up the ivy.

Agnes was completely worn out, but she felt so good.

Agnes flopped onto the bed and was out like a light in ten minutes.

She slept until noon, which was a rare treat.

When Agnes got up, she had a bath and felt refreshed.

Agnes checked the time.

It was about time.

Agnes headed out and grabbed a sandwich at the supermarket.

Then she went straight to Lotus Residence, where Lundy lived now.

This estate was public housing built twenty years ago.

The gate at the entrance was rusty and falling apart.

But most of the residents here worked for the government.

The security at the entrance was tight.

Agnes couldn't get in.

Agnes parked her car on the side of the road outside and started munching on her sandwich.

According to the info Nate gave her, Lundy had been taking his dog for a walk every day at noon since he got out of jail.

So Agnes sat in her car and waited.


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