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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 660

The first name that flashed across Laura's mind was Agnes.

The girl's abrupt reappearance after four years was just too suspicious.

All was well for these four years, so why did everything go sideways as soon as she returned?

Laura pulled herself together.

Beatrice, too, seemed to have a few suspicions. She mumbled, "It's got to be that bitch, Agnes. She's here for revenge. I sensed trouble the moment she crashed my birthday party. She's definitely the one stirring the pot this time."

Although not absolutely certain, Laura's instincts were in line with Beatrice's.

Agnes was indeed a prime suspect.

If it really was Agnes, they were in big trouble.

Because if Agnes had used the same method that led to Preston's demise to cause Berlin's accident, that meant Agnes was aware that Preston's car accident was no mere coincidence.

But how could she know? It's been four years since the incident.

A chill ran down Laura's spine.

If Agnes had indeed returned to settle scores after learning the truth, they were in huge trouble.

But there were still a lot of loose ends.

Laura told Beatrice, "Try and probe Agnes, isn't she in Willowbrook Town now? See how much she knows about what's happening here. I don't believe that she can pull all the strings."

Beatrice had been meaning to confront Agnes anyway.

The thought of all this mess being related to Agnes made her wish Agnes would just disappear.

Ever since Agnes showed up, every day was filled with dread.

She was like a ticking bomb, ready to explode at any moment.

Beatrice felt like she was on the verge of a breakdown.

Unbeknownst to them, Agnes was watching everything behind the scenes.


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