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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 742

Agnes continued, "My mom was wronged. You thought she was corrupt because of your money, but in reality, my mom didn't even use that money at all. It was all a set up by Laura."

Agnes then went into detail about how Laura had manipulated the situation, sowing discord between Preston Pritchard and Julia by exploiting their emotional rift, causing them to misunderstand each other.

She also revealed how four years ago, Alyssa had deliberately brought up this matter, using a misleading snippet of a recording to push all the blame onto herself, and exposing the identity of Jared's illegitimate son, blaming it on her.

Agnes laid everything bare, sharing all the details of the past, the truth she discovered over the years, what had been happening in the Capital, and Laura's current situation.

Alyssa listened, shocked. Finally, after a long silence, she said, "I can't believe there are such wicked people in this world. How can she still live a peaceful life after doing such terrible things?"

"In this world, the wicked sleep soundly," Agnes replied. "It's the good-hearted people who torment themselves over the smallest misdeeds. Like you. If I had asked more questions back then, or if you hadn't been so quick to take the blame, things might not have ended up like this."

Both fell into silence, each lost in their thoughts. They hadn't realized that their confrontation back then had stemmed from such a big misunderstanding.

Agnes had wrongly believed that Alyssa was the one responsible for all the wicked things Laura had done. No wonder Agnes hated her so much. And Alyssa had thought that her own scandal was a result of Agnes' revenge. In reality, none of it had anything to do with her. It was all Laura's scheme.

"I can't believe we were both played by that woman," Alyssa said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Her manipulations are downright chilling."

"Indeed," Agnes agreed. "She's cunning and calculative, exploiting our weaknesses and predicting our reactions."


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