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Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Stop Being Low Key (Episode Two)

Jane blurted out, "Is... he a God of War?" Her mouth was widely opened. The next moment, ten top medics of the Cleveque City rushed in and rescued unconscious Jameson and other people.

Luckily, Jameson and the others woke up soon thanks to their good physical fitness as well as the mercy shown by Iwan. The bad thing was that they could feel every inch of skin was so painful. Jameson looked at the ceiling in horror because he thought he wouldn't make it. This was the first time he felt death was so close to him.

"Jane, Jane, what happened?" Hannah asked, running forward to her. She called Jane right after hearing the report from one of her men, but there was no answer. When Hannah came here, everyone was lying on the ground. She could hear nothing but the sound of emergency treatment from dozens of doctors. The security that she and Jane hired at great cost were looking pale and stunned. What was worse, even Jane was acting like this.

Jane tried to swallow and said in shock, "He... he knocked out Jameson and other great bodyguards in less than ten seconds. He is so... so strong..."

"Could Iwan be a God of War?" Hannah asked. There was no way that a half-a-step God of War could beat Jameson and other bodyguards in ten seconds.

Jane shook her head and said, "I... I don't know how strong God of War powerhouses can be. I'm afraid only a real one can know..." Half an hour had passed, yet Jane was still impressed by what had happened. She was more terrified thinking about the last word of Iwan: Whoever came to annoy him was at his own risk.

"Where is Iwan?" Hannah asked again. Jane thought for a while and said he might return to his office because Jane told him about his office on the way here.

"Why are you still standing here? Go get him now..." Hannah said urgently. One simple face-to-face communication could find out whether Iwan was a God of War.

"Right. Let's go, Hannah. Let's find him..." Jane added quickly. The two women went to Iwan's office.

As they hurried to the office, Iwan was looking at the security records of NAH Technology, which he scanned roughly and no longer paid attention to. It was pointless to waste time on it because the security could barely resist primary killers from External Regions, not to mention him.

Hannah and Jane entered while Iwan was thinking. Jane stared at Iwan's face, took a deep breath, and asked seriously, "Iwan, please tell me whether you are a powerhouse of God of War level?" Hannah also stared at his face after Jane's question.

Iwan smiled and looked at Jane, "Well... Take a guess."

"Er..." Jane was stunned. She didn't expect Iwan would ask her to guess. Before she opened her mouth again, Iwan stopped her and said, "Miss Bass and Miss Cook, first, it's my business whether I'm a God of War. You can have your own answers, but I will never tell you the truth. Second, I said I will stay here for one month, and we'll see what happens next. If you can afford my salary, I can stay longer. Remember: You should have enough money for hiring me again. Now, you may leave. I will upgrade your security system. You don't need to know why and how I do this. Just wait and see..."

"Er..." Hannah was also speechless. This was her company, right? How could she be kicked out? Besides, she didn't think Iwan was making a joke since he stopped talking to them and knocked at the computer. Iwan was contacting Ivy, who was at External Regions, and asking him to upgrade the security system of NAH Technology. The upgraded security didn't need to resist a killer at God of War level, but they should at least fight against one for a while. Because that was enough for Iwan to come and kill the intruder. After all, Iwan was neither a bodyguard for Hannah nor would he be there for her all the time...

"Iwan..." Jane was annoyed by Iwan's bad temper, but she was carried away by Hannah before she yelled at him. Hannah shook her head and said, "Jane, leave him alone. Let's go..."

Five minutes later, the two women came back to Hannah's office. Jane asked, "Hannah, what were you doing? I know Iwan is strong and powerful, and he is also the husband of Jayna. But I just can't stand his bad temper. It seems that he is the owner of this place. Why would you take me away and don't let me yell at him?"


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